This section contains news about EASNIE activities, events and publications, as well as updates from EASNIE member countries. You can search articles based on their theme, type, year of publication and the country they relate to.

The European flag
Online meeting with the Cypriot Minister of Education about progress towards inclusive education reform
On Friday 21 May 2021, the Agency joined a teleconference with Mr Prodromos Prodromou, the Cypriot Minister of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth. The purpose was to discuss progress towards…
A person takes part in an online meeting
Stakeholder consultations for the reform on inclusive education in Cyprus
Working groups took place through the autumn in Phase 2 of the EU’s Structural Reform Support Programme activities in Cyprus.
Child playing with building blocks
The Agency’s resource analysis of the Cypriot education system
The Agency has completed an analysis of resources allocated to special needs and inclusive education in Cyprus as part of its work with the SRSP programme.
People using a laptop
Online meetings for SRSP work in Cyprus
The Agency organised four online meetings in June 2020 as part of the European Union’s Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP) Cyprus Phase 2 activities.
Participants in the Working Groups
SRSP Thematic Working Groups in Cyprus
The European Commission is co-operating with the Agency to assist in preparing a new bill for inclusive education in Cyprus.
The Agency and SRSS team in the Ministry in Cyprus
The second phase of Agency support in the legislative reform of special education in Cyprus
The European Commission’s Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS) is co-operating with the Agency to assist the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth in Cyprus in preparing a new bill for…
Minister of Education and Culture, Kostas Champiaouris with workshop and consultation meeting participants in Cyprus
Agency Support to Cypriot Legislative Reform via the Structural Reform Support Programme
Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture planned a legislative reform of its special education provision, aiming to make the education system more inclusive, in line with the stated priorities…
The Polish Minister of National Education, Anna Zalewska, welcoming the Agency participants and the representative of the European Commission, Konstantin Scheller