This section contains news about Agency activities, events, publications, as well as updates from Agency member countries. You can search articles based on their theme, type, year of publication and country they relate to.

programme poster

Europe Begins in Lampedusa

Europe begins in Lampedusa is an initiative aiming to involve Italian and European students in educational activities and discussions concerning the issues of global interdependence and human rights…
Raising the Achievement of All Learners in Inclusive Education project logo

South Lanarkshire School Recognised for Inclusive Approach to Learning

Calderglen High School in South Lanarkshire have reported an increase in the attainment levels and positive post school destinations of the pupils whose attainment is in the lowest 20%, thanks to…
screenshot of the Local Government Association’s website

New Special Educational Needs and Disability Data Comparison Tool in the UK (England)

A new online tool allows anyone in England to compare the performance of local areas, statistical neighbours and national averages on a range of metrics.
cover of the publication

Implementing Inclusive Education: Issues in Bridging the Policy-Practice Gap

How can the implementation of policy for inclusive education be more effectively supported? A new publication written by Agency staff in co-operation with international experts, drawing on the Agency…
Marcella Turner-Cmuchal and Isabelle Turmaine

Inclusion and Participation in the Information Society

In July 2016 the Agency presented the Guidelines for Accessible Information at the International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP) in Linz, Austria.
IECE project logo

Inclusive Early Childhood Education Project at a Half Way Stage

The project running between 2015 and 2017 has set out to meet the following aim: to identify, analyse and subsequently promote the main characteristics of quality inclusive pre-primary education for…
anniversary logo of the Agency

anniversary logo of the Agency

eBulletin July 2016

In 2016 the Agency is celebrating its 20th anniversary. For two decades the Agency website has been an ever growing source of information in the field of inclusive education. This summer an open call…
Mr Cor J.W. Meijer, Agency Director; Ms Jet Bussemaker, Minister for Education, Culture and Science, the Netherlands; Ms Marjan Zandbergen, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Netherlands; and Mr Per Gunnvall, Agency Chair

How Can Education Effectively Respond to Newcomer and/or Refugee Pupils?

Agency representatives discussed the role of inclusive education in response to the migrant crises across Europe in a session organised by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the…
Young people speaking in the plenary session

Luxembourg Recommendations

What do seventy-two young people think the key to inclusive education is? Young people at the Agency’s fourth Hearing in Luxembourg presented their recommendations for policy makers. Videos of the…
agency logo

Open Call for Tender for the Provision of Web Hosting and Web Development Services

The Agency is looking for a partner to re-develop the Agency public website and intranet, host the Agency public website and intranet and provide continuous support in developing new website tools…
young learner participating ina hearing test

Early Intervention as Every Child's Right

The rights of all children to develop to their full potential and to participate without barriers in all aspects of society constituted the overarching theme of the ‘Children’s Rights and Early…
FPIES project logo

Financing Policies for Inclusive Education Systems

The Financing Policies for Inclusive Education Systems (FPIES) partnership project (2016–2018) aims to identify coherent financing mechanisms for inclusive education, examine how they operate and…

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