Specialist provision

This covers different types of specialist provision services, specifically:

  • in-school provision, which ensures assistance to learners who are in mainstream classrooms, or partially out of mainstream classrooms (special classes, units, programmes, inclusion classes, and parallel support, i.e. one-to-one provision by specialised staff);
  • external provision to schools aiming to empower them to act inclusively (resource centres, networks of special schools, networks of mainstream and special schools);
  • external provision to schools through individualised support to learners enrolled in mainstream settings (physiotherapists, speech therapists) with the support of education, health or welfare authorities;
  • external provision to learners, such as special schools dedicated to learners requiring intensive support, under the responsibility of education, health or welfare authorities (European Agency, 2019b, p. 10).

(See also ‘External specialist provision’)

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