Increasing Inclusive Capability


What does inclusive education mean to stakeholders in our national/local context?

This question links to all others in the resource as it is about developing conceptual clarity and a common vision to drive action towards greater inclusion. Shared principles are essential to inform the coherent development of policy and practice.

The inclusion agenda is about the right of all learners to a quality education. All education policy makers and educators need to take responsibility for all learners.

Clarity is also needed about the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders. From teachers and head teachers to national/local decision makers and politicians, there is a need for strong links and mutual support between those working at all levels of the system.

In addition, within each level, individual, group and organisational aspects must be taken into account.

Effective collaboration and partnerships will help to broaden perspectives and increase mutual understanding. Only through such joint working will the ‘inclusive capability’ of the education system as a whole increase.

The materials - and related questions - will help stakeholders to reflect on what inclusive education means in their particular context - and what action might be taken to bring about a change in mind set.


Organisation of Provision to support Inclusive Education Literature Review

This review examines recent literature relating to effective ways to organise systems of provision to meet the needs of learners with disabilities in mainstream education. See page 11/12 in particular that focus on changing terminology.

The UNESCO Policy Guidelines on Inclusion in Education

The policy guidelines aim to assist countries in introducing a broad concept of inclusive education and strengthening their focus on inclusion in all education strategies and plans. See pages 8-12

Also available in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Russian and spanish from:

Learning Better Together

This report from New Zealand provides some thoughts about inclusion – and also what it is not! (See pages 14-17)

picture of a question mark within a circleTalking Point - terminology

  • Discuss the meaning of the terms integration and inclusion. What might the use of these terms imply? (e.g. inclusion seen as a placement issue, an issue specific to learners with disabilities or an issue about the participation of all learners in quality education)

Learning from our neighbours

Report produced as part of A School for All - Development of inclusive Education project funded by the EU (Kolarctic ENPI CBC)

This report sets out a typology of the concept of inclusion and considers approaches  in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Russia. Read, in particular pages 11- 30

picture of a question mark within a circleTalking Point - a typology of inclusion

  • Use this typology to analyse inclusion in your national context. Summarise the key messages that could be shared with your colleagues/local community.

Organisation of Provision project country visit reports 

The country visit reports describe the inclusive principles developed in each school and the impact on stakeholder attitudes.

Sweden Pages 11/12
Austria Page 13
Germany Page 10
Malta Pages 13/14
Slovenia Page 11

picture of a question mark within a circleTalking Point - developing a shared view of inclusion

  • How did the schools studied in the project develop a shared view of inclusion? (See references above). What ideas can be drawn on as a basis for action in your own country context?

Summary of findings and challenges from project visits

This presentation provides an overview of factors contributing to successful inclusive practice

Key Principles for promoting quality in Inclusive Education  (in 21 languages) 

This booklet summmarises the key principles from recent Agency project work.

picture of a question mark within a circleTalking Point - indicators of inclusive practice

  • Discuss the 2 sources above and draw up a list of possible indicators of quality inclusive practice. Consider how this might be used in your own situation. (You may also like to refer to page 47 of the UNICEF paper The Right of Children with Disabilities to Education in the yellow section of this resource)

UNICEF Webinar & Booklet

1 - Conceptualizing Inclusive Education and Contextualizing it within the UNICEF Mission. These resources discuss why inclusive education is important, and what inclusive education is and is not about.