Early childhood intervention (ECI)

ECI is a composite of services/provision for very young children and their families. It is provided at their request at a certain time in a child’s life. It covers any action undertaken when a child needs special support to ensure and enhance their personal development, strengthen the family’s own competences, and promote the social inclusion of the family and the child. Different elements that are relevant to ECI are: availability (a shared aim of ECI is to reach all children and families in need of support as early as possible); proximity (the idea of providing family-focused services); affordability (services are offered free of charge or at minimal cost to families); interdisciplinary working (professionals in charge of direct support to young children and their families belong to different disciplines (professions) and consequently have diverse backgrounds according to the service they are related to); and diversity of services (e.g. the involvement of different services – health, social services and education). (Refer to: European Agency, 2010).

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