All European countries are committed to working towards ensuring more inclusive education systems. They do so in different ways, depending on their past and current contexts and histories. The development of inclusive education systems aims to:
- Raise the achievements of learners by recognising and building upon their talents and effectively meeting their individual learning needs and interests;
- Ensure that all stakeholders value diversity;
- Ensure the availability of flexible continua of provision and resources that support the learning of all stakeholders at both individual and organisational levels;
- Ensure that effective continua of support in inclusive education systems encompass personalised approaches to learning that engage all learners and support their active participation in the learning process;
- Raise the achievements, outcomes and outputs of the system overall by effectively enabling all stakeholders to develop their attitudes and beliefs, knowledge, understanding, skills and behaviours in line with the goals and principles of an inclusive education system;
- Operate as learning systems that work towards the continuous improvement and alignment of structures and processes by building the capacity of all stakeholders to systematically reflect upon their achievements and then use these reflections to improve and develop their collective work towards their shared goals.
Read the Agency’s position on inclusive education systems here.