EASNIE’s latest open-access publications are available below. The EASNIE Open Access Policy allows the public to freely access, download and share these resources. Certain resources, such as practical tools, are also open source. You can modify open-source resources to suit your needs. Please refer to the publication information page at the beginning of any publication to confirm its licence and usage guidelines.

Publications are available in up to 25 EASNIE languages. You can use the filters to search and select the publications you want to see based on their theme, type (such as reports, literature reviews, flyers), the countries they relate to, the language and the year. The Archive filter allows you to select publications from before 2014. You can select multiple filters to narrow down your search.

Visit the publications listing page for a complete list of EASNIE publications, along with details, links and filters based on theme, type, language, year and file type.

Cover of the Tool for Self-Reflection on Policy and Practice

Inclusive School Leadership: A Tool for Self-Reflection on Policy and Practice

This open-source self-reflection tool for school leaders/leadership teams and policy-makers aims to support inclusive school leadership.
self-review/self-reflection tool
Children clap to music in a preschool at the Social Services and Child Protection agency in Istanbul

Global Education Monitoring Report 2021 – Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia – Inclusion and education: All means all

The Global Education Monitoring Report 2021 provides information on inclusive education and progress in 30 education systems of Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia.
synthesis report
Cover of the TPL4I Phase 1 Final Summary Report

Teacher Professional Learning for Inclusion: Phase 1 Final Summary Report

This short report presents all activities and findings from phase 1 of the Teacher Professional Learning for Inclusion (TPL4I) project.
final summary report
Cover of the PSF Final Summary Report

Preventing School Failure: Final Summary Report

This final summary report summarises the main findings of the Preventing School Failure project.
final summary report
cover of FPIES Self-Review Tool

Financing Policies for Inclusive Education Systems: Financing Policy Self-Review Tool

This tool is designed to be used by policy-makers responsible for developing and implementing policies for inclusive education at national, regional and/or local levels.
self-review/self-reflection tool
cover of the publication

Financing Policies for Inclusive Education Systems: Final Summary Report

This summary report is based on the analysis presented in the FPIES project synthesis report, which examined fundamental topics that connect funding mechanisms for inclusive education systems to…
final summary report
Cover of the EASIE Key Messages and Findings report

European Agency Statistics on Inclusive Education: Key Messages and Findings (2014 / 2016)

The EASIE Key Messages and Findings (2014 / 2016) report highlights the key messages and main findings from the first two EASIE datasets and Cross-Country Reports.
cover of the publication

Evidence of the Link Between Inclusive Education and Social Inclusion: Final Summary Report

This final summary report outlines the project literature review’s main findings and presents the key policy messages and considerations.
final summary report
Cover of publication

Raising the Achievement of All Learners in Inclusive Education: Final Summary Report

This report is a short overview of the Agency’s Raising the Achievement of All Learners in Inclusive Education project. The final summary report is based on a comprehensive project synthesis report.
final summary report
cover of the Early School Leaving and Learners with Disabilities and/or Special Educational Needs: Final Summary Report

Early School Leaving and Learners with Disabilities and/or Special Educational Needs: Final Summary Report

This final summary report outlines the key evidence and ideas from the two ESL project reports.
final summary report
cover of the Inclusive Early Childhood Education: New Insights and Tools - Final Summary Report

Inclusive Early Childhood Education: New Insights and Tools – Final Summary Report

This report is a summary of the synthesis report that brings together the main findings of the Inclusive Early Childhood Education (IECE) project.
final summary report
cover for the Inclusive Early Childhood Education Environment Self-Reflection Tool report

Inclusive Early Childhood Education Environment Self-Reflection Tool

The Self-Reflection Tool is aimed at professionals and school staff who can use it to reflect on their setting’s inclusiveness, focusing on the social, learning and physical environment.
self-review/self-reflection tool

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