Inclusive Education and Classroom Practice in Secondary Education

This summary report from 2005 presents an overview of the findings of the second phase of the Classroom and School Practice project.

The project focused on revealing, analysing, describing and disseminating classroom practices in inclusive settings in such a way that European teachers can implement them on a wider scale in their classrooms. Furthermore, it addressed decision-makers within the educational system to offer the necessary conditions for teachers to become inclusive.

Inclusive Education and Effective Classroom Practice

This summary report from 2003 presents an overview of the findings of the Classroom and School Practice project, focusing on the primary school age phase.

The project focused on revealing, analysing, describing and disseminating classroom practices in inclusive settings in such a way that European teachers can implement inclusive practices on a wider scale in their classrooms. Furthermore, it addressed decision-makers within the educational system to offer the necessary conditions for teachers to become inclusive.

Information and Communication Technology in Special Needs Education report

This report is an executive summary of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Special Needs Education (SNE) project that the Agency conducted during the period 1999–2001.

The project involved a major European-wide investigation into the use of ICT in SNE in 17 Agency member countries. This led to dedicated web-based resource banks of information which aim to present easily accessible information on policies, key issues, examples of interesting and innovate practice, key information sources plus future challenges in the field.

Transition from School to Employment report

This report from 2002 analyses the main issues and options faced by learners with special educational needs in 16 European countries.

The Agency member countries selected the topic of transition from school to employment due to the perceived importance of this field and their shared interest regarding the problems related to training, qualifications and employment of young people with special educational needs.

The report addresses three areas:

Transition from School to Employment flyer

In late 1999, the Agency began a major project investigating the process of transition from school to employment across Europe. The Transition from School to Employment project involved practitioners in the field of transition nominated by 16 Agency member countries.

National information was collected relating to existing policies, transition process implementation, problems and results. Practitioners were asked to provide relevant information relating to issues such as: