Featured country examples
Below are featured case studies from three member countries that participated directly in the Agency's VIA activity: Malta, Norway and Iceland. Working with the Agency, these countries developed and implemented activities in their national contexts, including learning walks, focus groups and interviews. The aim was to explore learners’ and families’ experiences of participation.
Evaluating a pilot policy initiative for learners with disabilities
In Malta, there is a clear policy direction to include learners with disabilities within the mainstream education system, rather than in ‘resource centres’ (i.e. centres catering for learners’ more complex needs). This involves providing support services in mainstream schools.
Meaningful learner participation through Social Innovation Action Labs
At Fellaskóli, a comprehensive primary school in Reykjavík, 85% of learners come from a foreign background. The school is working to strengthen learners’ Icelandic language skills, as well as their self-esteem and independence.
Shadowing and evaluating national student panels
The Norwegian Ministry for Education and Research is working on a white paper regarding young people and school, aiming for publication in 2024. It organised a panel of learner representatives from all regions that could gather in-person and online and give input to the paper.