This section contains news about Agency activities, events, publications, as well as updates from Agency member countries. You can search articles based on their theme, type, year of publication and country they relate to.

event logo

event logo

Thirtieth Anniversary of the Jean Monnet Programme

The Jean Monnet programme supports initiatives and research on European integration and unity. It was launched by the European Union (EU) in 1989. Thirty years later, in 2019, it continues to promote…
image of charts

image of charts

Education for All in Iceland: Implementation of the External Audit of Iceland’s System for Inclusive Education

Steering group’s plan approved for implementing the Agency recommendations during 2017–2019.
conference participants in Warsaw

conference participants in Warsaw

The Agency supporting quality Inclusive Education in Poland

On 5–6 March 2019, the Polish Ministry of National Education (MEN) and the Agency held a conference in Warsaw to present the final recommendations from the Agency’s work under the…
INSHEA event poster

INSHEA event poster

INSHEA Open house

INSHEA (the French national higher institute for training and research on special needs education) opens its doors to the public on Saturday, 16 March 2019 from 10:30am to 3:30pm.
cover of the GEM report 2019

cover of the GEM report 2019

New Report about Migration, Displacement and Education: ‘Building Bridges, not Walls’

The latest Global Education Monitoring report Summary 2019 discusses the timely issues of migration, displacement and education.
conference poster

conference poster

Conference about Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities and Learning Processes

INSHEA and the CLIPSYD research team are organising an international conference in Nanterre University in Paris on 22–23 March 2019.
workshop and consultation meeting participants in Cyprus

workshop and consultation meeting participants in Cyprus

eBulletin February 2019

This issue of the eBulletin brings you news about the Agency’s support to the Ministries of Education in Cyprus and Poland in the framework of the European Commission’s Structural Reform Support…
screenshot of the IEA website

screenshot of the Inclusive Education in Action website

Inclusive Education in Action Case Studies

The Inclusive Education in Action website now presents a collection of important and interesting case studies from different areas of the world. These case studies can be a resource for…
workshop and consultation meeting participants in Cyprus

Minister of Education and Culture, Kostas Champiaouris with workshop and consultation meeting participants in Cyprus

Agency Support to Cypriot Legislative Reform via the Structural Reform Support Programme

Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture planned a legislative reform of its special education provision, aiming to make the education system more inclusive, in line with the stated priorities…
Agency Representative Board member, Raffaele Ciambrone

Agency Representative Board member, Raffaele Ciambrone, from the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research in panel discussion on inclusivity in education in South Africa

South African Events Celebrate Developments in Teacher Training in Inclusive Education

Agency Representative Board member, Raffaele Ciambrone, from the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research in panel discussion on inclusivity in education in South Africa.
EASIE project logo

EASIE project logo

Now Online: European Agency Statistics on Inclusive Education - Key Messages and Findings (2014/2016)

The new EASIE Key Messages and Findings (2014 / 2016) report highlights 10 key messages and the main findings from the first two EASIE datasets and Cross-Country Reports.
screenshot of the Scottish Government's website

screenshot of the Scottish Government's website

Scottish 'Excellence and Equity for All' Consultation on Mainstreaming Continues

The Scottish Government’s Excellence and Equity for All consultation hoped to obtain views on draft guidance published for local authority education departments.

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