This section contains news about EASNIE activities, events and publications, as well as updates from EASNIE member countries. You can search articles based on their theme, type, year of publication and the country they relate to.

Children sit in a row, smiling at the camera, with their lunchboxes open on the table in front of them

Shutterstock / Monkey Business Images

Developing the inclusive education app in France: Study visits and stakeholder consultation

The study visits in February 2024 collected stakeholder feedback on a digital app for inclusive education.
Two children smile while reading a book together

Shutterstock / wee dezign

EU Technical Support Instrument: A new app for inclusive education – Data collection study visits in France

Two study visits took place in October 2023 as part of the work in France to enhance a new digital app for inclusive education.
A boy in a library using a tablet showing graphs and charts

Shutterstock / ESB Professional

Enhancing France's digital tool for inclusive education through European technical support

A new Technical Support Instrument project has begun with the French Ministry of National Education and Youth.
A girl smiles with her hands covered in brightly coloured paint

A girl smiles with her hands covered in brightly coloured paint

French Ministerial conference on European action towards persons with disabilities

The Agency has participated in a conference organised by the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union on implementing the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-…
Autism online logo

Autism online logo

Autism online project launched

The French institute for inclusive education, INSHEA, and the Nouvelle École Farny in Geneva, Switzerland, have developed a new training programme for teachers working with pupils with autism…
INSHEA summer school logo

INSHEA summer school logo

Inclusive Education Summer School in Paris

The French institute for inclusive education, INSHEA, is hosting a summer school on inclusive education on 8–10 July 2019.
INSHEA event poster

INSHEA event poster

INSHEA Open house

INSHEA (the French national higher institute for training and research on special needs education) opens its doors to the public on Saturday, 16 March 2019 from 10:30am to 3:30pm.
conference poster

conference poster

Conference about Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities and Learning Processes

INSHEA and the CLIPSYD research team are organising an international conference in Nanterre University in Paris on 22–23 March 2019.
screenshot of the conference website

screenshot of the conference website

Sign Language Rights for All – World Federation of the Deaf Congress in July 2019

The French National Federation of the Deaf will host some 3,000 international participants at the XVIII World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) in Paris, from 23–27 July 2019. …
conference artwork

conference artwork

‘Together! International Perspectives on Inclusive Education’ – Paris Conference 18–19 October 2018

The French Ministry of Education will host a two-day conference on 18–19 October at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie in Paris.
colourful graphics in shape of a lightbulb

Country Policy Review and Analysis Work

The Agency’s Country Policy Review and Analysis (CPRA) activity has been developed in order to provide a new form of individualised country information, the results of which have now been published.
participants and panelists at the International Comparisons Conference

International Comparisons Conference

On 28–29 January 2016, the Agency participated in the International Comparisons Conference in Paris, with the topic of Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities: Accessibility, academic…

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