This section contains news about Agency activities, events, publications, as well as updates from Agency member countries. You can search articles based on their theme, type, year of publication and country they relate to.

Verity Donnelly from the Agency, presenting at the Seminar

A Seminar Report on Decentralisation in Education Systems

A new paper on decentralisation has now been published on the Agency website. The report builds on discussions held within a Thematic Seminar on Decentralisation in Education Systems that took place…
Marcella Turner-Cmuchal from the Agency, presenting the policy session

Access to Technologies in Education

Every year, the ‘New Technologies in Education’ conference and education fair in Belgrade, Serbia, is an opportunity to meet passionate educators, innovators, enthusiasts and stakeholders in…
cover of the conference programme

'Inclusive innovative practices: challenges and opportunities' Conference in Oviedo, Spain

This conference is an international event annually organised in a Spanish university, which on this occasion will bring to Oviedo professors, students, researchers and other people interested in the…
young man working at a computer

Links Between Early School Leaving and Learners with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities

The European Union has identified reducing ESL as a priority for action and set a goal of reducing ESL to 10% across all member states by 2020.
colourful graphics in shape of a lightbulb

eBulletin March 2017

This issue of the newsletter brings you news about major developments from Agency projects and activities. The Agency welcomes Bulgaria as a new member country.
logos of the Maltese Presidency and the Raising Achievement project

The 'Raising Achievement' International Conference in Malta

The ‘Raising the Achievement of All Learners in Inclusive Education’ project (2014–2017) will conclude with a conference on 5–7 April 2017 in Malta, under the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the…
Agency Director and Chair with Representatives of the stakeholder groups that are signatories to the memorandum of co-operation

Education for All in Iceland - Results of the External Audit

The results of the External Audit of the Icelandic System for Inclusive Education (Úttekt á framkvæmd stefnu um menntun án aðgreiningar á Íslandi) were launched in Reykjavík on 2 March 2017.
green sprouts on top of two stacks of coins

Financing of Inclusive Education - Mapping Country Systems for Inclusive Education

Inclusive education should be an opportunity for schools to provide high-quality, cost-effective learning opportunities for all learners. However, according to information provided by 18 countries in…
the event poster

Hearing on the Situation of Refugees and Migrants with Disabilities

On 14 February 2017, the Agency attended the public hearing on the situation of refugees and migrants with disabilities, organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and its…
student choir from Rosmini school performing during the Rome project visit

Learning Communities in Rome Promoting Inclusivity

Two Learning Communities located in Rome, Lazio region (Italy), are taking part in the Agency’s Raising the Achievement of All Learners in Inclusive Education project.
Bulgarian flag

Bulgaria Is Joining the Agency

The Agency is pleased to welcome Bulgaria as its 30th member country!
colourful graphics in shape of a lightbulb

Country Policy Review and Analysis Work

The Agency’s Country Policy Review and Analysis (CPRA) activity has been developed in order to provide a new form of individualised country information, the results of which have now been published.

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