Assessment in inclusive settings - Phase 2

The end point of Phase 1 of the Agency's Assessment in Inclusive Settings project was a discussion and then an explanation of the concept of inclusive assessment, as well as a series of recommendations for inclusive assessment policy and practice.

The goal of Phase 2 project work (2006–2008) was to develop and also go deeper into the findings from Phase 1 in order to examine how inclusive assessment can be put into practice by exploring inter-connected themes:

Assessment Issues in Non-European Countries: A Brief Review of Literature

This review is one of the outputs of Phase 1 of the Assessment in Inclusive Settings project.

It presents literature describing legislative frameworks, the possible purposes of assessment and developments in assessment practice in primary inclusive education settings in non-European countries. It is not an in-depth study of the field, but rather a small-scale investigation that presents an overview of key issues in assessment policy and practice in non-European (English-speaking) countries.