This area contains multimedia materials including key messages, presentations and links to videos from the EASNIE YouTube channel.

Policy makers require wide-ranging information from a variety of complementary approaches to data collection in order to inform policy developments for inclusive education.
Follow-up is required to safeguard the transition from education to employment, which leads to sustainable jobs in the open labour market.
The vision of a more equitable education system requires teachers who are equipped with the competences to meet a range of diverse needs.

The ICT4I project

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ICT for inclusion was agreed as being a priority for the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education member countries in the 2010 Country Survey.

The ultimate vision for inclusive education systems is to ensure that all learners of any age are provided with meaningful, high-quality educational opportunities in their local community, alongside their friends and peers.
Efficient evaluation mechanisms need to be developed to ensure the quality and effectiveness of early childhood intervention provision and delivery.

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