Country reports

The Legislative Definitions around Learners Vulnerable to Exclusion activity examined how Agency member countries legally define and describe learners’ needs in terms of considering them as groups of learners with special needs or learners vulnerable to exclusion. It also considered how anti-discrimination legislation and legislation for inclusive education define and/or describe learners’ needs, and explored the concept of intersectionality.

CROSP phase 2

Peer-learning activities (2019–2022)

Phase 2 of the Changing Role of Specialist Provision in Supporting Inclusive Education (CROSP) built on phase 1’s main outcomes, focusing on peer-learning activities. It aimed to develop a tool that focuses on the four main issues to consider for changing the role of specialist provision: governance, funding, capacity building and quality assurance.

Activities included:

CROSP phase 1

Mapping exercise (2017–2019)

Phase 1 of the Changing Role of Specialist Provision in Supporting Inclusive Education (CROSP) activity covered a detailed mapping exercise on past and current trends and situations in relation to specialist provision, as well as on perceived future trends. It provided an overview of the state of the art in Europe regarding the development of specialist provision and its relation to mainstream inclusive education.