The Agency’s latest open-access publications are available below. The Agency Open Access Policy allows the public to freely access, download and share these resources. Certain resources, such as practical tools, are also open source. You can modify open-source resources to suit your needs. Please refer to the publication information page at the beginning of any publication to confirm its licence and usage guidelines.

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Visit the publications listing page for a complete list of Agency publications, along with details, links and filters based on theme, type, language, year and file type.

Cover of the COVD-19 literature review

The Impact of COVID-19 on Inclusive Education at the European Level: Literature Review

This literature review aims to map evidence and identify ways in which COVID‑19 has impacted on education in general and inclusive education in particular at European and national levels.
literature review
First page of the Order Form

Publications Order Form 2021

This Order Form presents the Agency’s most recent publications. Publications are free to download from the Agency website. Printed publications are available from the Agency Secretariat.
Multi-Annual Work Programme 2021-2027 cover page

Multi-Annual Work Programme 2021–2027

The Multi-Annual Work Programme 2021–2027 presents the Agency’s long-term priorities.
work programme
Cover of the Out-of-School and Out-of-Data? Conceptual Working Paper

Out-of-School and Out-of-Data? Out-of-School Learners in EASIE – Conceptual Working Paper

This Conceptual Working Paper underpins developments related to data collection on out-of-school learners within the European Agency Statistics on Inclusive Education (EASIE) work from 2020…
Cover of the TPL4I Synthesis Report

Teacher Professional Learning for Inclusion: An Analysis of Country Policies in Europe

This is the main output of phase 1 of the Teacher Professional Learning for Inclusion project. It provides an analysis of teacher professional learning for inclusion policy in 26 European…
synthesis report
Cover of the TPL4I Phase 1 Final Summary Report

Teacher Professional Learning for Inclusion: Phase 1 Final Summary Report

This short report presents all activities and findings from phase 1 of the Teacher Professional Learning for Inclusion (TPL4I) project.
final summary report
Cover of the TPL4I Methodology Report

Teacher Professional Learning for Inclusion: Methodology Report

This report presents the methodology for phase 1 of the Teacher Professional Learning for Inclusion (TPL4I) project.
methodology report
Cover of the SISL policy framework

Inclusive School Leadership: A practical guide to developing and reviewing policy frameworks

This open-source policy framework sets out a vision, guiding principles, goals, objectives and a framework of standards and supportive policy measures for inclusive school leadership.
policy review
Cover of the EASIE 2018 Dataset Cross-Country Report

European Agency Statistics on Inclusive Education: 2018 Dataset Cross-Country Report

This report focuses on the EASIE 2018 dataset. The data is from the 2016/2017 school year. It covers pre-primary, compulsory and upper‑secondary education.
data tables
Cover of the PSF Final Summary Report

Preventing School Failure: Final Summary Report

This final summary report summarises the main findings of the Preventing School Failure project.
final summary report
Cover of the PSF synthesis report

Preventing School Failure: Examining the Potential of Inclusive Education Policies at System and Individual Levels

This synthesis report outlines the main findings of the Preventing School Failure project and gives a comprehensive overview of the issue of school failure.
synthesis report

Inclusive School Leadership: Exploring Policies Across Europe

This synthesis report provides an overview of phase 1 of the Supporting Inclusive School Leadership project.
synthesis report

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