Vocational Education and Training: Policy and Practice in the field of Special Needs Education – Literature Review

This document critically reviews the literature on issues related to vocational education and training for learners with special educational needs. It covers two priority areas: the key factors that facilitate vocational educational and training for learners with special education needs, and the relationship with the labour market and key challenges.

Teacher Education for Inclusion – International Literature Review

This is a review of international research literature in the field of teacher education generally and teacher education for inclusion specifically. The review was developed with input from representatives of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Education and Culture, UNESCO International Bureau of Education and OECD-CERI. Most importantly, experts from 18 countries participating in the Agency project conducted a review of research information and this is also included in the review document.

Raising Achievement for All Learners – Quality in Inclusive Education

The Raising Achievement for All Learners (RA4AL) project (2011–2012) set out to identify the issues that need to be explored and strategies at the policy level that appear to be successful in raising the achievement of all learners.

This report synthesises the key issues and findings arising from the RA4AL conference and other activities carried out during the one-year project, including a review of past Agency projects and recent academic research. It aims to collate information about how best to engage all learners and raise their achievement. 

Special Needs Education Country Data 2012

The Agency's special needs education (SNE) data collection is a biennial exercise, with data provided by the Representatives of the Agency member countries. In all cases, this data is from official ministerial sources. All data refers to pupils officially identified as having special educational needs (SEN), as defined in the country in question. All the data presented in this document has been collected in line with each country’s own legal definition of SEN. These definitions are also provided in the texts.