Lead for inclusion: 2025 GEM regional report for Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia

UNESCO has launched its 2025 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) regional report for Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. The report, entitled ‘Lead for inclusion’, focuses on the importance of school leadership for inclusive education systems. It outlines progress in inclusive education systems across the region in recent years and describes new challenges that have arisen, many resulting from language differences, ethnicity, migration and displacement.

Global Education Monitoring Report on leadership in education – regional edition

The Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia regional edition of UNESCO’s 2024/5 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) report on leadership in education will launch on 26 February.

A collaboration between UNESCO and the Network of Education Policy Centers (NEPC), the regional report explores leadership in education across 27 countries. It looks at skills, training and working conditions for school leaders across the region, together with their attitudes and capacities to promote inclusive education.

A barrier-free future for every child

In December, the Swedish Agency for Participation hosted an online conference, titled ‘A barrier free future for every child’.

The conference took place under the Swedish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers. It aimed to share ways to enable all learners’ participation in education and strengthen networks of experts and organisations representing learners with disabilities in Europe, with a particular focus on Ukraine and Nordic and Baltic countries.

Peer-learning event examines family engagement in inclusive education

Logo: Learners and Families Shaping Action

The first peer-learning event in the Agency’s Learners and Families Shaping Action (LFSA) activity took place in Brussels on 10 December 2024. This work is part of the Agency’s Thematic Country Cluster Activities (TCCA).

The event was a chance for cluster country representatives to share insights and discuss monitoring and evaluation strategies to involve hard-to-reach families in inclusive education.