Teacher professional learning for inclusion is an essential part of inclusive education system development.

A systemic approach to teacher professional learning (TPL) for inclusion identifies the main challenges at different levels of the inclusive education ecosystem. From a systemic perspective, TPL for inclusion is an essential part of inclusive education system development.

At the national/regional level, educational policies must focus on meeting all learners’ needs and promote a deeper understanding of diversity in TPL for inclusion. Moreover, TPL policies need to bridge the gaps between different TPL phases.

Policy can build capacity for teacher professional learning for inclusion in various ways, including collaborative approaches and providing adequate funding and effective monitoring.

Strategies to build capacity for inclusion are largely collaborative and operate across the professional continuum of teachers and specialist staff. Collaborative approaches, across school levels and agencies at community or national/regional level, show various opportunities for teacher professional learning (TPL) for inclusion. However, more cross-sectoral and career-long co-operation is needed. 

To build capacity for TPL for inclusion, policy develops strategies and guidelines to: 

To prepare all teachers for inclusion, all educators must have access to a coherent and continuous range of professional learning opportunities focusing on equity and inclusion.

Career-long teacher professional learning (TPL) for inclusion requires a clear policy vision that enables teachers and specialist staff to meet all learners’ needs, rather than focusing on the needs of particular groups of learners. A shared vision of equity is needed to underpin all TPL for inclusion and bridge the gaps on various diversity issues.