Access a complete list of Agency publications, along with bibliographic information, below. Publications are available in up to 25 languages and can be freely downloaded.

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Title Author Editors Themes Type of resource Language Year Links
Empowering Teachers to Promote Inclusive Education European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Anthoula Kefallinou classroom practice, teacher education literature review English 2015 View Abstract Download file View citation
Stav Agencije o sistemima inkluzivnog obrazovanja European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Srpski 2015 View Abstract Download file
European Agencys ståndpunkt angående system för inkluderande undervisning European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Svenska 2015 View Abstract Download file
Stališče Agencije glede sistemov inkluzivnega izobraževanja European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Slovenščina 2015 View Abstract Download file
Stanovisko Agentúry k inkluzívnym vzdelávacím systémom European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Slovenčina 2015 View Abstract Download file
Posição da Agência sobre os sistemas de educação inclusiva European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Português 2015 View Abstract Download file
Stanowisko Agencji dotyczące systemów edukacji włączającej European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Polski 2015 View Abstract Download file
Posisjonen til Agency på inkluderende opplæringssystemer European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Norsk 2015 View Abstract Download file
Standpunt van het Agency over inclusieve onderwijssystemen European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Nederlands 2015 View Abstract Download file
Il pożizzjoni tal Aġenzija dwar sistemi ta' edukazzjoni inklużiva European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Malti 2015 View Abstract Download file
Aģentūras nostāja par iekļaujošas izglītības sistēmām European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Latviešu valoda 2015 View Abstract Download file
Agentūros pozicija dėl įtraukiojo ugdymo sistemų European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Lietuvių kalba 2015 View Abstract Download file
Posizione dell’Agenzia sui sistemi educativi inclusivi European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Italiano 2015 View Abstract Download file
Az Ügynökség álláspontja a befogadó oktatási rendszerekről European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Magyar 2015 View Abstract Download file
Tillaga að afstöðu miðstöðvarinnar til námskerfa án aðgreiningar European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Íslenska 2015 View Abstract Download file
Agenturets holdning til inkluderende undervisning European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Dansk 2015 View Abstract Download file
Позиция на агенцията относно приобщаващите образователни системи European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Български 2015 View Abstract Download file
Stanovisko Agentury k inkluzivním vzdělávacím systémům European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Čeština 2015 View Abstract Download file
Position der Agentur zu inklusiven Bildungssystemen European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Deutsch 2015 View Abstract Download file
Θεση του φορεα για τα ενταξιακα Eκπαιδευτικα συστηματα European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Eλληνικά 2015 View Abstract Download file
Kehittämiskeskuksen inklusiivisia opetusjärjestelmiä koskeva tausta asiakirja European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Suomi 2015 View Abstract Download file
Agency Position on Inclusive Education Systems European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer English 2015 View Abstract Download file
Stajalište Agencije o sustavima uključivog obrazovanja European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Hrvatski 2015 View Abstract Download file
Position de l’Agence sur les systemes d’education inclusive European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Français 2015 View Abstract Download file
Agentuuri seisukohavõtt kaasava hariduse süsteemide suhtes European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, intersectionality, organisation of provision, social inclusion summary flyer Eesti keel 2015 View Abstract Download file

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