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Κατευθυντήριες γραμμές για την προώθηση προσβάσιμων πληροφοριών European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Eλληνικά 2015 View Abstract Download file
Guidelines for Accessible Information European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report English 2015 View Abstract Download file
Directrices para obtener información accesible European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Español 2015 View Abstract Download file
Kättesaadava informatsiooni suunised European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Eesti keel 2015 View Abstract Download file
Ohjeet saavutettavan tiedon tuottamiseen European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Suomi 2015 View Abstract Download file
Lignes directrices pour une information accessible European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Français 2015 View Abstract Download file
Smjernice za pristupačne informacije European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Hrvatski 2015 View Abstract Download file
Iránymutatások a hozzáférhető információért European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Magyar 2015 View Abstract Download file
Viðmiðunarreglur fyrir aðgengilegar upplýsingar European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Íslenska 2015 View Abstract Download file
Linee guida in materia di accessibilità delle informazioni European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Italiano 2015 View Abstract Download file
Prieinamos informacijos gairės European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Lietuvių kalba 2015 View Abstract Download file
Pamatnostādnes pieejamai informācijai European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Latviešu valoda 2015 View Abstract Download file
Linji gwida għal Informazzjoni Aċċessibbli European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Malti 2015 View Abstract Download file
Richtlijnen voor Toegankelijke Informatie European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Nederlands 2015 View Abstract Download file
Retningslinjer for tilgjengelig informasjon European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Norsk 2015 View Abstract Download file
Wytyczne dla dostępności informacji European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Polski 2015 View Abstract Download file
Linhas de Orientação para Informação Acessível European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Português 2015 View Abstract Download file
Usmernenia v oblasti prístupných informácií European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Slovenčina 2015 View Abstract Download file
Smernice za dostopne informacije European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Slovenščina 2015 View Abstract Download file
Riktlinjer för tillgänglig information European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Svenska 2015 View Abstract Download file
Pokyny pro dostupné informace TXT European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Čeština 2015 View Abstract Download file
Retningslinjer for tilgængelig information TXT European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Dansk 2015 View Abstract Download file
Leitlinien für zugängliche Information TXT European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Deutsch 2015 View Abstract Download file
Usmernenia v oblasti prístupných informácií TXT European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Slovenčina 2015 View Abstract Download file
Linhas de Orientação para Informação Acessível TXT European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal higher education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning report Português 2015 View Abstract Download file

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