Inclusive Education in Action Case Studies

The Inclusive Education in Action website now presents a collection of important and interesting case studies from different areas of the world. These case studies can be a resource for international policy makers who are working to develop equity and equal opportunities within education systems globally.

The case studies available on the IEA website come from different regions of the world and describe diverse policy approaches taken to develop inclusive education systems. 

Agency Support to Cypriot Legislative Reform via the Structural Reform Support Programme

The Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) in Cyprus has planned a legislative reform of its special education provision. This reform aims to make the education system more inclusive, in line with the stated priorities at European and international level. At the request of the Cypriot MoEC, the European Commission Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS) contracted the Agency to assist in analysing the current policy framework regarding special needs and inclusive education.

South African Events Celebrate Developments in Teacher Training in Inclusive Education

On 4 December 2018, the Agency was invited to a conference celebrating South Africa’s work towards inclusivity in education. Three South African universities specialising in training teachers in special needs education hosted a day of academic exchanges at the University of Witswatersrand’s Centre for the Deaf. Agency Representative Board member, Raffaele Ciambrone, from the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research took part here in a panel discussion on inclusivity in education.

Scottish 'Excellence and Equity for All' Consultation on Mainstreaming Continues

Parents and professionals in Scotland continue to work towards inclusive education for learners with additional support needs. However, a recent consultation on the presumption of mainstreaming has received some mixed reviews. 

The Scottish Government’s Excellence and Equity for All consultation hoped to obtain views on the draft guidance published for local authority education departments. It hoped to help their decision-making in applying a presumption of mainstreaming, as well as improve inclusive practice in schools.