Country Partner: Slovenia

FPIES Country Partner: Slovenia

In Slovenia, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport) is responsible for education. It has authority to formulate and implement education policies, as well as make system regulations. The Ministry directly or indirectly outlines national programmes and draws up budgets for pre-primary, basic, upper-secondary, higher vocational and higher education.

Country Partner: Portugal

FPIES Country Partner: Portugal

The Directorate-General of Education of the Ministry of Education is responsible by law for developing, implementing and monitoring national policy for inclusive education, through its Special Needs Services.

For more information about country-specific data on inclusive education from Portugal, access the Country information for Portugal on the right side of this page.

Evidence of the Link Between Inclusive Education and Social Inclusion: Literature Review

This literature review examines the link between inclusive education and the social inclusion of people with disabilities. According to the review, there is evidence to suggest that there is a link between inclusive education and social inclusion in the areas of education, employment and living in the community. At the same time, the review suggests that attending segregated settings minimises the opportunities for social inclusion both in the short term (while children with disabilities are at school) and the long term (after graduation from secondary education).