Access a complete list of Agency publications, along with bibliographic information, below. Publications are available in up to 25 languages and can be freely downloaded.

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Title Author Editors Themes Type of resource Language Year Links
Early School Leaving and Learners with Disabilities and or Special Educational Needs: A Review of the Research Evidence Focusing on Europe European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Alan Dyson and Garry Squires drop-out, early school leaving literature review English 2016 View Abstract Download file View citation
Financing of Inclusive Education Background Information Report European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Antonella Mangiaracina financing literature review English 2016 View Abstract Download file View citation
LUKSEMBURGAS IETEIKUMI European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Latviešu valoda 2015 View Abstract Download file
LUXEMBOURG RECOMMENDATIONS European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer English 2015 View Abstract Download file
DOPORUČENÍ LUCEMBURSKA European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Čeština 2015 View Abstract Download file
LUXEMBOURG ANBEFALINGER European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Dansk 2015 View Abstract Download file
DIE LUXEMBURGER EMPFEHLUNGEN European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Deutsch 2015 View Abstract Download file
ΣΥΣΤΑΣΕΙΣ ΤΟΥ ΛΟΥΞΕΜΒΟΥΡΓΟΥ European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Eλληνικά 2015 View Abstract Download file
RECOMENDACIONES DE LUXEMBURGO European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Español 2015 View Abstract Download file
LUKSEMBURGI SOOVITUSED European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Eesti keel 2015 View Abstract Download file
LUXEMBURGIN SUOSITUKSET European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Suomi 2015 View Abstract Download file
RECOMMANDATIONS DU LUXEMBOURG European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Français 2015 View Abstract Download file
LUKSEMBURŠKE PREPORUKE European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Hrvatski 2015 View Abstract Download file
LUXEMBURGI AJÁNLÁSOK European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Magyar 2015 View Abstract Download file
RACCOMANDAZIONI DEL LUSSEMBURGO European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Italiano 2015 View Abstract Download file
RÁÐLEGGINGAR LÚXEMBORGAR European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Íslenska 2015 View Abstract Download file
LUXEMBURGREKOMMENDATIONERNA European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Svenska 2015 View Abstract Download file
LUKSEMBURŠKA PRIPOROČILA European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Slovenščina 2015 View Abstract Download file
LUXEMBURSKÉ ODPORÚČANIA European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Slovenčina 2015 View Abstract Download file
RECOMENDAÇÕES DO LUXEMBURGO European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Português 2015 View Abstract Download file
ANBEFALINGENE FRA LUXEMBOURG European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Norsk 2015 View Abstract Download file
LIUKSEMBURGO REKOMENDACIJOS European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Lietuvių kalba 2015 View Abstract Download file
REKOMENDACJE LUKSEMBURSKIE European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Polski 2015 View Abstract Download file
AANBEVELINGEN VAN LUXEMBURG European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Nederlands 2015 View Abstract Download file
RAKKOMANDAZZJONIJIET TAL LUSSEMBURGU European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, social inclusion summary flyer Malti 2015 View Abstract Download file

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