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Приобщаващо образование в ранна детска възраст: Нови идеи и инструменти Заключителен обобщаващ доклад European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Български 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Inkluzivní předškolní vzdělávání: Nové postřehy a nástroje Závěrečná souhrnná zpráva European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Čeština 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Inclusive Early Childhood Education: Ny indsigt og nye værktøjer endelig, sammenfattende rapport European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Dansk 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Ενταξιακή πρώιμη παιδική εκπαίδευση: Νέες ιδέες και εργαλεία Τελική συνοπτική έκθεση European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Eλληνικά 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Educación inclusiva en la infancia temprana: Nuevas reflexiones y herramientas European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Español 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Kaasav alusharidus: uued ülevaated ja vahendid lõplik kokkuvõttev raport European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Eesti keel 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Osallistava varhaiskasvatus: Uudet näkymät ja työkalut lopullinen yhteenvetoraportti European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Suomi 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Éducation inclusive préscolaire : Nouveaux aperçus et outils Rapport de synthèse final European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Français 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Uključivo obrazovanje u ranom djetinjstvu: Novi uvidi i alati Konačno sažeto izvješće European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Hrvatski 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Inkluzív koragyermekkori nevelés: Új meglátások és eszközök Összefoglaló zárójelentés European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Magyar 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Menntun ungra barna án aðgreiningar: Ný innsýn og verkfæri Endanleg yfirlitsskýrsla European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Íslenska 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Insegnamento inclusivo nella prima infanzia: Nuovi approfondimenti e strumenti Rapporto sommario finale European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Italiano 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Ankstyvojo amžiaus vaikų įtraukusis ugdymas: naujos įžvalgos ir įrankiai galutinė jungtinė ataskaita European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Lietuvių kalba 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Lekļaujoša pirmsskolas izglītība: jaunas atziņas un instrumenti galīgais kopsavilkuma ziņojums European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Latviešu valoda 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Edukazzjoni Inklużiva Bikrija: Għarfien u Għodod Ġodda Rapport Sommarju Finali European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Malti 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Inkluzivna predšolska vzgoja: novi vpogledi in orodja končno zbirno poročilo European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Slovenščina 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Inkluzivno predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje: Nova sagledavanja i alatke Konačni sažeti izveštaj European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Srpski 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Inklusive frühkindliche Bildung und Erziehung Neue Einblicke und Instrumente Zusammenfassender Abschlussbericht European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Deutsch 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Inclusieve voor en vroegschoolse educatie: Nieuwe inzichten en tools Samenvattend eindverslag European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Nederlands 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Educação Pré Escolar Inclusiva: Novas Perspetivas e Ferramentas Relatório Síntese Final European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Português 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Inkluderende barnehage: Nye innsikter og verktøy Endelig sammendragsrapport European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Norsk 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Włączająca wczesna edukacja: Nowe spostrzeżenia i narzędzia końcowy raport podsumowujący European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Polski 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Inkluzívne vzdelávanie v ranom detstve: nové pohľady a nástroje záverečná súhrnná správa European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Paul Bartolo, Eva Björck-Åkesson, Climent Giné and Flora Bellour early childhood education, pre-school education final summary report Slovenčina 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Inclusive Early Childhood Education: Literature Review European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Flora Bellour, Paul Bartolo and Mary Kyriazopoulou early childhood education literature review English 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Legislation Updates 2017 European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review policy review English 2017 View Abstract Download file

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