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Selvrefleksjonsverktøy for inkluderende barnehagemiljø European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Eva Björck-Åkesson, Mary Kyriazopoulou, Climent Giné and Paul Bartolo early childhood education, pre-school education self-review/self-reflection tool Norsk 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Leikskóli margbreytileikans – Ígrundun um námsumhverfi European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Eva Björck-Åkesson, Mary Kyriazopoulou, Climent Giné and Paul Bartolo early childhood education, pre-school education self-review/self-reflection tool Íslenska 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Alat za samorefleksiju o okruženju inkluzivnog predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Eva Björck-Åkesson, Mary Kyriazopoulou, Climent Giné and Paul Bartolo early childhood education, pre-school education self-review/self-reflection tool Srpski 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Självreflektion avseende inkludering i förskolan European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Eva Björck-Åkesson, Mary Kyriazopoulou, Climent Giné and Paul Bartolo early childhood education, pre-school education self-review/self-reflection tool Svenska 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Selbstreflexionsbogen für das Umfeld der inklusiven frühkindlichen Bildung und Erziehung European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Eva Björck-Åkesson, Mary Kyriazopoulou, Climent Giné and Paul Bartolo early childhood education, pre-school education self-review/self-reflection tool Deutsch 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Zelfreflectie tool voor een inclusieve voor en vroegschoolse educatieomgeving European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Eva Björck-Åkesson, Mary Kyriazopoulou, Climent Giné and Paul Bartolo early childhood education, pre-school education self-review/self-reflection tool Nederlands 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Nástroj sebareflexie v prostredí inkluzívneho vzdelávania v ranom detstve European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Eva Björck-Åkesson, Mary Kyriazopoulou, Climent Giné and Paul Bartolo early childhood education, pre-school education self-review/self-reflection tool Slovenčina 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Instrumento de Auto Reflexão para um Ambiente de Educação Pré Escolar Inclusiva European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Eva Björck-Åkesson, Mary Kyriazopoulou, Climent Giné and Paul Bartolo early childhood education, pre-school education self-review/self-reflection tool Português 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Narzędzie autorefleksji w środowisku włączającej wczesnej edukacji European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Eva Björck-Åkesson, Mary Kyriazopoulou, Climent Giné and Paul Bartolo early childhood education, pre-school education self-review/self-reflection tool Polski 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Orodje za samorefleksijo okolja inkluzivne predšolske vzgoje European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Eva Björck-Åkesson, Mary Kyriazopoulou, Climent Giné and Paul Bartolo early childhood education, pre-school education self-review/self-reflection tool Slovenščina 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Decentralisation in Education Systems European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly, Edda Óskarsdóttir and Amanda Watkins international co-operation, policy analysis synthesis report English 2017 View Abstract Download file View citation
Tko smo mi European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education summary flyer Hrvatski 2017 View Abstract Download file
Wie we zijn European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education summary flyer Nederlands 2017 View Abstract Download file
Min aħna European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education summary flyer Malti 2017 View Abstract Download file
Kas mēs esam European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education summary flyer Latviešu valoda 2017 View Abstract Download file
Kas mes esame? European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education summary flyer Lietuvių kalba 2017 View Abstract Download file
Chi siamo European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education summary flyer Italiano 2017 View Abstract Download file
Hver við erum European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education summary flyer Íslenska 2017 View Abstract Download file
Kes me oleme European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education summary flyer Eesti keel 2017 View Abstract Download file
Kdo Jsme European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education summary flyer Čeština 2017 View Abstract Download file
Agenturet European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education summary flyer Dansk 2017 View Abstract Download file
Ποιοι είμαστε European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education summary flyer Eλληνικά 2017 View Abstract Download file
Kik vagyunk? European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education summary flyer Magyar 2017 View Abstract Download file
Keitä olemme European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education summary flyer Suomi 2017 View Abstract Download file
Qui sommes nous? European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education summary flyer Français 2017 View Abstract Download file

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