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Title Author Editors Themes Type of resource Language Year Links
Niðurstöður European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education international co-operation summary flyer Íslenska 2010 View Abstract Download file
Výsledky European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education international co-operation summary flyer Čeština 2010 View Abstract Download file
Conclusões European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education international co-operation summary flyer Português 2010 View Abstract Download file
Conclusions European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education international co-operation summary flyer Français 2010 View Abstract Download file
Conclusies European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education international co-operation summary flyer Nederlands 2010 View Abstract Download file
Kluczowe zasady służące promocji jakości w edukacji włączającej Zalecenia dla decydentów European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report Polski 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation
Grundprinzipien zur Förderung der Qualität in der inklusiven Bildung Empfehlungen für Bildungs und Sozialpolitiker/innen European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report Deutsch 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation
Klíčové principy zlepšování kvality inkluzívního vzdělávání Doporučení odpovědným politickým činitelům European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report Čeština 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation
Galvenie principi kvalitātes veicināšanai iekļaujošā izglītībā Rekomendācijas politikas veidotājiem European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report Latviešu valoda 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation
A minőség fejlesztésének alapelvei a befogadó nevelésben Ajánlások az oktatáspolitika számára European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report Magyar 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation
Les principes clés de la promotion de la qualité dans l’éducation inclusive Recommandations à l’intention des responsables politiques European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report Français 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation
Principi Guida per promuovere la Qualità nella Scuola Inclusiva Raccomandazioni Politiche European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report Italiano 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation
Nøgleprincipper for kvaliteten i den inkluderende undervisning Anbefalinger til beslutningstagere European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report Dansk 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation
Nøkkelprinsipper for å fremme kvalitet i inkluderende opplæring Anbefalinger til myndighetene European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report Norsk 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation
Key Principles for Promoting Quality in Inclusive Education Recommendations for Policy Makers European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report English 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation
Kernthema’s voor de bevordering van kwaliteit in inclusief onderwijs Aanbevelingen voor beleidsmakers European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report Nederlands 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation
Juhtpõhimõtted kaasava hariduse kvaliteedi arendamisel Soovitused poliitikakujundajatele European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report Eesti keel 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation
Raktiniai inkliuzinio švietimo kokybės plėtros principai – Rekomendacijos politikams European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report Lietuvių kalba 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation
Lykilatriði sem stuðla að gæðum náms án aðgreiningar Tilmæli fyrir stefnumótandi aðila European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report Íslenska 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation
Βασικές Αρχές για την Προαγωγή της Ποιότητας στη Συνεκπαίδευση Προτάσεις για τους Διαμορφωτές Πολιτικής European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report Eλληνικά 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation
Inklusiivisen koulutuksen laadun edistämisen pääperiaatteet Suosituksia päättäjille European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report Suomi 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation
Princípios Chave para a Promoção da Qualidade na Educação Inclusiva Recomendações para Decisores Políticos European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report Português 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation
Principios fundamentales para la promoción de la calidad de la educación inclusiva Recomendaciones a responsables políticos European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report Español 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation
Ključna načela za spodbujanje kakovosti inkluzivnega izobraževanja Priporočila načrtovalcem politik European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report Slovenščina 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation
Prinċipji Ewlenin għall Promozzjoni tal Kwalità fl Edukazzjoni Inklużiva Rakkomandazzjonijiet għall Policy Makers European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins assessment, classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, multicultural diversity, pre-school education, transition to employment synthesis report Malti 2009 View Abstract Download file View citation

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