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Pedagógusképzés a befogadó oktatásért Európában European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly classroom practice, compulsory education, teacher education synthesis report Magyar 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Kennaramenntun í anda skóla án aðgreiningar í Evrópu European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly classroom practice, compulsory education, teacher education synthesis report Íslenska 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Mokytojų rengimas inkliuziniam švietimui Europoje European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly classroom practice, compulsory education, teacher education synthesis report Lietuvių kalba 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
La formazione docente per un sistema scolastico inclusivo in tutta Europa European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly classroom practice, compulsory education, teacher education synthesis report Italiano 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
L Edukazzjoni tal Għalliema għal skop ta’ Inklużjoni madwar l Ewropa European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly classroom practice, compulsory education, teacher education synthesis report Malti 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Skolotāju izglītība iekļaušanai Eiropas valstīs European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly classroom practice, compulsory education, teacher education synthesis report Latviešu valoda 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Europeisk lærerutdanning for inkludering European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly classroom practice, compulsory education, teacher education synthesis report Norsk 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Lerarenopleiding en inclusie in Europa European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly classroom practice, compulsory education, teacher education synthesis report Nederlands 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Formação de Professores para a Inclusão na Europa European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly classroom practice, compulsory education, teacher education synthesis report Português 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Kształcenie nauczycieli przygotowujące do edukacji włączającej European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly classroom practice, compulsory education, teacher education synthesis report Polski 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Izobraževanje učiteljev za inkluzijo v Evropi – Izzivi in priložnosti European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly classroom practice, compulsory education, teacher education synthesis report Slovenščina 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
ICTs in Education for People with Disabilities UNESCO IITE, European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins, Natalia Tokareva, Marcella Turner compulsory education, higher education, information and communication technology, international co-operation, lifelong learning, post-compulsory education, vocational education synthesis report English 2011 View Abstract Download file
Tidiga insatser för barn i behov av stöd European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education V. Soriano, M. Kyriazopoulou early childhood education, pre-school education synthesis report Svenska 2010 View Abstract Download file View citation
Raná péče European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education V. Soriano, M. Kyriazopoulou early childhood education, pre-school education synthesis report Čeština 2010 View Abstract Download file View citation
Tidlig indsats over for småbørn European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education V. Soriano, M. Kyriazopoulou early childhood education, pre-school education synthesis report Dansk 2010 View Abstract Download file View citation
Frühförderung European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education V. Soriano, M. Kyriazopoulou early childhood education, pre-school education synthesis report Deutsch 2010 View Abstract Download file View citation
Πρώιμη Παρέμβαση European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education V. Soriano, M. Kyriazopoulou early childhood education, pre-school education synthesis report Eλληνικά 2010 View Abstract Download file View citation
Early Childhood Intervention European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education V. Soriano, M. Kyriazopoulou early childhood education, pre-school education synthesis report English 2010 View Abstract Download file View citation
Atención Temprana European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education V. Soriano, M. Kyriazopoulou early childhood education, pre-school education synthesis report Español 2010 View Abstract Download file View citation
Varajane märkamine ja sekkumine European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education V. Soriano, M. Kyriazopoulou early childhood education, pre-school education synthesis report Eesti keel 2010 View Abstract Download file View citation
Erityinen tuki varhaislapsuudessa European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education V. Soriano, M. Kyriazopoulou early childhood education, pre-school education synthesis report Suomi 2010 View Abstract Download file View citation
Intervention précoce auprès de la petite enfance European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education V. Soriano, M. Kyriazopoulou early childhood education, pre-school education synthesis report Français 2010 View Abstract Download file View citation
Korai fejlesztés European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education V. Soriano, M. Kyriazopoulou early childhood education, pre-school education synthesis report Magyar 2010 View Abstract Download file View citation
Skjót afskipti European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education V. Soriano, M. Kyriazopoulou early childhood education, pre-school education synthesis report Íslenska 2010 View Abstract Download file View citation
Ankstyvoji intervencija vaikystėje European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education V. Soriano, M. Kyriazopoulou early childhood education, pre-school education synthesis report Lietuvių kalba 2010 View Abstract Download file View citation

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