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Title Author Editors Themes Type of resource Language Year Links
Πρωιμη παρεμβαση (ΠΠ) Βασικα μηνυματα πολιτικησ European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Eλληνικά 2011 View Abstract Download file
Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Key Policy Messages European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief English 2011 View Abstract Download file
Atención temprana Recomendaciones clave European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Español 2011 View Abstract Download file
Varajane märkamine ja sekkumine (ECI) poliitikasoovitused European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Eesti keel 2011 View Abstract Download file
Erityinen tuki varhaislapsuudessa (ECI) Keskeiset toimintamallia koskevat viestit European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Suomi 2011 View Abstract Download file
Korai fejlesztés (ECI) szakpolitikai ajánlások European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Magyar 2011 View Abstract Download file
Intervention précoce aupres de la petite enfance (IPPE) Messages politiques clés European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Français 2011 View Abstract Download file
Skjót afskipti lykiltilmæli vegna stefnumótunar European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Íslenska 2011 View Abstract Download file
Ankstyvoji intervencija vaikystėje (AIV) Esminės politikos formavimo kryptys European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Lietuvių kalba 2011 View Abstract Download file
Il sostegno in eta’ prescolare (ECI) Messaggi politici European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Italiano 2011 View Abstract Download file
Intervent fit tfulija bikrija (ECI) Messaġġi ta’ prinċipji ewlenin European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Malti 2011 View Abstract Download file
Agrīnā iejaukšanās (ECI) Būtiskie politikas jautājumi European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Latviešu valoda 2011 View Abstract Download file
Vroegtijdige interventie (ECI) Beleidsaanbevelingen European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Nederlands 2011 View Abstract Download file
Tidlig intervensjon i førskolealder (TIF) Hovedbudskap for videre arbeid med politikkutforming European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Norsk 2011 View Abstract Download file
Wczesna interwencja (WI) Kluczowe aspekty polityki systemowej European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Polski 2011 View Abstract Download file
Intervenção precoce na infância (IPI) Orientações para as políticas European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Português 2011 View Abstract Download file
Zgodnja obravnava v otroštvu (ZO) Ključna sporočila politike European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Slovenščina 2011 View Abstract Download file
Tidiga insatser för barn i behov av stöd Meddelanden om riktlinjer European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Svenska 2011 View Abstract Download file
Principios fundamentales para la promoción de la calidad de la educación inclusiva European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, information and communication technology, teacher education synthesis report Español 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Galvenie principi kvalitātes veicināšanai iekļaujošā izglītībā European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, information and communication technology, teacher education synthesis report Latviešu valoda 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Ključna načela za spodbujanje kakovosti v inkluzivnem izobraževanju European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, information and communication technology, teacher education synthesis report Slovenščina 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Prinċipji Ewlenin għall Promozzjoni ta’ Kwalità fl Edukazzjoni Inklużiva European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, information and communication technology, teacher education synthesis report Malti 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Kluczowe zasady służące promocji jakości w edukacji włączającej European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, information and communication technology, teacher education synthesis report Polski 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Principi Guida per la Qualità dell’Istruzione nelle Classi Comuni European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, information and communication technology, teacher education synthesis report Italiano 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Kernthema’s voor de bevordering van kwaliteit in inclusief onderwijs European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly classroom practice, compulsory education, early childhood education, information and communication technology, teacher education synthesis report Nederlands 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation

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