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Støtte af inkluderende skoleledelse – Politiske budskaber European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Dansk 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Unterstützung durch Schulleitungen im Prozess einer inklusiven Schulentwicklung – Strategische Kerninhalte European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Deutsch 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Apoyo del liderazgo escolar en inclusión educativa – Mensajes sobre políticas European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Español 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Kaasava koolijuhtimise toetamine – Poliitika sõnumid European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Eesti keel 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Podrška inkluzivnom (ruko)vodstvu škole – Poruke politike European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Hrvatski 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Stuðningur við forystu í skóla fyrir alla – Stefnuskilaboð European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Íslenska 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Supportare la leadership scolastica inclusive – Messaggi politici European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Italiano 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Atbalsts iekļaujošai skolu vadībai – Politikas vēstījumi European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Latviešu valoda 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Støtte til inkluderende skoleledelse – Budskap for politikk og retningslinjer European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Norsk 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Stöd för ett inkluderande skolledarskap – Policylärdomar European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Svenska 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Podrška inkluzivnom rukovođenju škole – Poruke politike European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Srpski 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Podpiranje inkluzivnega vodstva šole – Sporočila politike European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Slovenščina 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Ondersteunen van inclusief schoolleiderschap – Beleidsboodschappen European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Nederlands 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Podpora inkluzívneho vedenia školy – Politické posolstvá European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Slovenčina 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Parama įtraukios mokyklos lyderystei – Politikos nuostatos European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Lietuvių kalba 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Sostenn tat Tmexxija ta’ Skola Inklużiva – Messaġġi Politiċi European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Malti 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Apoio à Liderança da Escola Inclusiva – Mensagens políticas European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Português 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Soutien pour des directions d'établissement inclusives – Messages politiques European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Français 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Az Inkluzív Iskolai Vezetés Támogatása – Szakpolitikai üzenetek European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Magyar 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Подкрепа за приобщаващо училищно ръководство – Послания във връзка с политиката European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Български 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Υποστήριξη της ενταξιακής σχολικής ηγεσίας – Μηνύματα πολιτικής European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education policy analysis, raising achievement, school leadership policy brief Eλληνικά 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Notranja evalvacija in analiza zakonodaje: Ključna sporočila za delo z državami in za njih – Poročilo o politiki European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, country policy review, policy analysis policy brief Slovenščina 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Überprüfung und Analyse der Länderpolitik Kernpunkte für die Arbeit mit und für Länder – Kurzdossier European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, country policy review, policy analysis policy brief Deutsch 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Valsts politikas pārskats un analīze Galvenās atziņas darbam ar valstīm un valstu labā — politikas kopsavilkums European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, country policy review, policy analysis policy brief Latviešu valoda 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation
Šalies politikos apžvalga ir analizė Esminės darbo su šalimis ir dėl šalių įžvalgos – politikos santrauka European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, country policy review, policy analysis policy brief Lietuvių kalba 2021 View Abstract Download file View citation

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