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Kennaramenntun í anda skóla án aðgreiningar FÆRNILÝSING FYRIR KENNARA Í SKÓLUM ÁN AÐGREININGAR European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, higher education, post-compulsory education, raising achievement, school leadership, teacher education report Íslenska 2012 View Abstract Download file View citation
Mokytojų rengimas inkliuziniam švietimui INKLIUZINIO ŠVIETIMO MOKYTOJO PROFILIS European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, higher education, post-compulsory education, raising achievement, school leadership, teacher education report Lietuvių kalba 2012 View Abstract Download file View citation
Skolotāju izglītība iekļaušanai IEKĻAUJOŠU SKOLOT JU PROFILS European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, higher education, post-compulsory education, raising achievement, school leadership, teacher education report Latviešu valoda 2012 View Abstract Download file View citation
Lerarenopleiding en inclusie PROFIEL VAN INCLUSIEVE LERAREN European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, higher education, post-compulsory education, raising achievement, school leadership, teacher education report Nederlands 2012 View Abstract Download file View citation
L Edukazzjoni tal għalliema għal skop ta’ inklużjoni PROFIL TA’ GĦALLIEMA INKLUŻIVI European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, higher education, post-compulsory education, raising achievement, school leadership, teacher education report Malti 2012 View Abstract Download file View citation
Lærerutdanning for inkludering PROFIL FOR INKLUDERENDE LÆRERE European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, higher education, post-compulsory education, raising achievement, school leadership, teacher education report Norsk 2012 View Abstract Download file View citation
Kształcenie nauczycieli przygotowujące do edukacji włączającej PROFIL NAUCZYCIELA EDUKACJI WŁĄCZAJĄCEJ European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, higher education, post-compulsory education, raising achievement, school leadership, teacher education report Polski 2012 View Abstract Download file View citation
Formação de Professores para a Inclusão PERFIL DE PROFESSORES INCLUSIVOS European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, higher education, post-compulsory education, raising achievement, school leadership, teacher education report Português 2012 View Abstract Download file View citation
Vzdelávanie učiteľov k inklúzii PROFIL INKLUZÍVNEHO UČITEĽA European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, higher education, post-compulsory education, raising achievement, school leadership, teacher education report Slovenčina 2012 View Abstract Download file View citation
Izobraževanje učiteljev za inkluzijo PROFIL INKLUZIVNIH UČITELJEV European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, higher education, post-compulsory education, raising achievement, school leadership, teacher education report Slovenščina 2012 View Abstract Download file View citation
Οι απόψεις των νέων σχετικά με τη Συμπεριληπτική Εκπαίδευση Ακρόαση στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο Βρυξέλλες, Νοέμβριος 2011 Ευρωπαϊκός European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Victoria Soriano synthesis report Eλληνικά 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Le point de vue des jeunes sur l’éducation inclusive Audition du Parlement européen Bruxelles, novembre 2011 European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Victoria Soriano synthesis report Français 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Ungas syn på inkluderande undervisning Hearing i Europaparlamentet Bryssel, november 2011 European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Victoria Soriano synthesis report Svenska 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Jaunimo požiūris į inkliuzinį švietimą Europos Parlamento sąskrydis Briuselis, 2011 m European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Victoria Soriano synthesis report Lietuvių kalba 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Fehmiet Żgħażagħ fuq l Edukazzjoni Inklużiva Is Seduta tal Parlament Ewropew Brussell, Novembru 2011 European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Victoria Soriano synthesis report Malti 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Fiatalok a befogadó nevelésről Meghallgatás az Európai Parlamentben Brüsszel, 2011 november European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Victoria Soriano synthesis report Magyar 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Jauniešu viedoklis par iekļaujošu izglītību Eiropas parlamentārās noklausīšanās pasākums Brisele, 2011 European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Victoria Soriano synthesis report Latviešu valoda 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Noorte vaated kaasavale haridusele Euroopa noorteparlamendi istung Brüssel, november 2011 European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Victoria Soriano synthesis report Eesti keel 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
De unges synspunkter på inkluderende opplæring Høring i Europaparlamentet Brussel, november 2011 European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Victoria Soriano synthesis report Norsk 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Integrazione scolastica: la parola agli alunni Udienza al Parlamento Europeo Bruxelles, Novembre 2011 European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Victoria Soriano synthesis report Italiano 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
La opinión de los jóvenes sobre educación inclusiva Audiencia en el Parlamento Europeo Bruselas, Noviembre 2011 European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Victoria Soriano synthesis report Español 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Názory mladých lidí na inkluzivní vzdělávání Slyšení v Evropském parlamentu Brusel, listopad 2011 European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Victoria Soriano synthesis report Čeština 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Nuorten näkemyksiä inklusiivisesta koulutuksesta Euroopan parlamentin kuuleminen Bryssel, marraskuu 2011 European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Victoria Soriano synthesis report Suomi 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Unge om inkluderende undervisning Høring i Europa Parlamentet i Bruxelles, november 2011 European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Victoria Soriano synthesis report Dansk 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
Pogledi mladih na inkluzivno izobraževanje Posvet v Evropskem parlamentu Bruselj, november 2011 European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Victoria Soriano synthesis report Slovenščina 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation

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