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PROMOVER O ACESSO À INFORMAÇÃO PARA A APRENDIZAGEM AO LONGO DA VIDA European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education information accessibility, information and communication technology, lifelong learning summary flyer Português 2011 View Abstract Download file
PODPORA PRÍSTUPU K INFORMÁCIÁM PRI CELOŽIVOTNOM VZDELÁVANÍ European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education information accessibility, information and communication technology, lifelong learning summary flyer Slovenčina 2011 View Abstract Download file
SPODBUJANJE DOSTOPNIH INFORMACIJ ZA VSEŽIVLJENJSKO UČENJE European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education information accessibility, information and communication technology, lifelong learning summary flyer Slovenščina 2011 View Abstract Download file
ATT FRÄMJA TILLGÄNGLIGHET TILL INFORMATION FÖR ETT LIVSLÅNGT LÄRANDE European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education information accessibility, information and communication technology, lifelong learning summary flyer Svenska 2011 View Abstract Download file
Mapping the Implementation of Policy for Inclusive Education – An Exploration of Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Indicators European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Serge Ebersold and Amanda Watkins country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis synthesis report English 2011 View Abstract Download file View citation
KORTLÆGNING AF STRATEGIER FOR INKLUDERENDE UNDERVISNING Udvikling af indikatorer European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Dansk 2011 View Abstract Download file
MAPOVÁNÍ IMPLEMENTACE POLITIKY INKLUZÍVNÍHO VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ Zkoumání obtíží i možností stanovení indikátorů European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Čeština 2011 View Abstract Download file
Η ΧΑΡΤΟΓΡΑΦΗΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΗΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΩΝ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΝΤΑΞΙΑΚΗ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΗ Μια διερεύνηση των προκλήσεων και των ευκαιριών για την ανάπτυξη δεικτών European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Eλληνικά 2011 View Abstract Download file
DIE ENTWICKLUNG VON DATENGRUNDLAGEN ZUR IMPLEMENTIERUNG INKLUSIVER BILDUNG Herausforderungen und Chancen für die Entwicklung von Indikatoren European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Deutsch 2011 View Abstract Download file
MAPPING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICY FOR INCLUSIVE EDUCATION An exploration of challenges and opportunities for developing indicators European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer English 2011 View Abstract Download file
PLANIFICACIÓN DE POLÍTICAS PARA IMPLEMENTAR LA EDUCACIÓN INCLUSIVA Análisis de los retos y oportunidades en la elaboración de indicadores European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Español 2011 View Abstract Download file
KAASAVA HARIDUSPOLIITIKA RAKENDAMISE SEIRE Võimaluste ja väljakutsete analüüs indikaatorite väljatöötamiseks European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Eesti keel 2011 View Abstract Download file
INKLUSIIVISEN KOULUTUKSEN LINJAUSTEN TOTEUTUMISEN KARTOITUS Haasteiden ja indikaattorien kehittämismahdollisuuksien selvittäminen European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Suomi 2011 View Abstract Download file
ANALYSER LA MISE EN ŒUVRE DES POLITIQUES D’ÉDUCATION INCLUSIVE Quels défis et quelles possibilités pour quels indicateurs European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Français 2011 View Abstract Download file
A BEFOGADÁST TÁMOGATÓ OKTATÁSPOLITIKÁK FELTÉRKÉPEZÉSE Az indikátorfejlesztés kihívásainak és lehetőségeinek feltárása European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Magyar 2011 View Abstract Download file
INNLEIÐING MENNTASTEFNU UM NÁM ÁN AÐGREININGAR KORTLÖGÐ Könnun á ýmsum leiðum og möguleikum við þróun vísbenda European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Íslenska 2011 View Abstract Download file
PER UN QUADRO DI RILEVAZIONE DELLO STATO DI ATTUAZIONE DELLE POLITICHE DI INTEGRAZIONE SCOLASTICA Un’esplorazione dei problemi e delle opportunità per lo sviluppo di indicatori di rilevazione statistica European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Italiano 2011 View Abstract Download file
POLITIKOS GAIRĖS INKLIUZINIAM ŠVIETIMUI DIEGTI Rodiklių parengimo iššūkiai ir galimybės European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Lietuvių kalba 2011 View Abstract Download file
NIMMEPPJAW IT TWETTIQ TA’ POLICY GĦAL EDUKAZZJONI INKLUŻIVA Esplorazzjoni tal isfidi u l opportunitajiet għall iżvilupp ta’ indikaturi European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Malti 2011 View Abstract Download file
IEKĻAUJOŠAS IZGLĪTĪBAS POLITIKAS IEVIEŠANAS PLĀNOŠANA Indikatoru izstrādes problēmu un iespēju apzināšana European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Latviešu valoda 2011 View Abstract Download file
HET IN KAART BRENGEN VAN DE IMPLEMENTATIE VAN BELEID VOOR INCLUSIEF ONDERWIJS Een verkenning van uitdagingen en mogelijkheden voor het ontwikkelen van indicatoren European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Nederlands 2011 View Abstract Download file
KARTLEGGE INNFØRINGEN AV RETNINGSLINJER FOR INKLUDERENDE OPPLÆRING Utfordringer og muligheter knyttet til utvikling av indikatorer European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Norsk 2011 View Abstract Download file
JAK ZAPLANOWAĆ WPROWADZENIE POLITYKI NA RZECZ EDUKACJI WŁĄCZAJĄCEJ Próba rozpoznania szans i zagrożeń związanych z opracowaniem zestawu wskaźników European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Polski 2011 View Abstract Download file
MAPEAMENTO DA IMPLEMENTAÇÃO DE POLÍTICAS PARA A EDUCAÇÃO INCLUSIVA Uma análise dos desafios e oportunidades para o desenvolvimento de indicadores European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Português 2011 View Abstract Download file
NAČRTOVANJE IZVAJANJA POLITIKE INKLUZIVNEGA IZOBRAŽEVANJA Pregled izzivov in priložnosti za razvoj kazalnikov European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Slovenščina 2011 View Abstract Download file

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