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KARTLÄGGNING AV HUR RIKTLINJER FÖR INKLUDERANDE UNDERVISNING IMPLEMENTERAS Utmaningar och möjligheter för att utveckla indikatorer European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis summary flyer Svenska 2011 View Abstract Download file
Vzdělávání učitelů k inkluzi (TE4I) Hlavní koncepční závěry European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Čeština 2012 View Abstract Download file
Lärarutbildning som främjar inkludering (TE4I) Meddelanden om riktlinjer European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Svenska 2012 View Abstract Download file
Inkluderende undervisning i læreruddannelser Prioritetsområder European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Dansk 2012 View Abstract Download file
Inklusionsorientierte lehrerbildung Kernbotschaften für die politik European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Deutsch 2012 View Abstract Download file
Εκπαιδευση εκπαιδευτικων σε ζητηματα ενταξησ (ΕΕΖΕ) Βασικα μυνηματα πολιτικησ European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Eλληνικά 2012 View Abstract Download file
Teacher Education For Inclusion Key Policy Messages European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief English 2012 View Abstract Download file
Formación del profesorado para la educación inclusiva Recomendaciones clave European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Español 2012 View Abstract Download file
Kaasamist toetav õpetajakoolitus Poliitikasoovitused European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Eesti keel 2012 View Abstract Download file
Inkluusiota edistävä opettajankoulutus (TE4I) Keskeiset toimintamallia koskevat viestit European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Suomi 2012 View Abstract Download file
Formation des enseignants pour l’inclusion (TE4I) Messages politiques clés European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Français 2012 View Abstract Download file
Pedagógusképzés a befogadó oktatásért (TE4I) Szakpolitikai ajánlások European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Magyar 2012 View Abstract Download file
Kennaramenntun í anda skóla án aðgreiningar Lykiltilmæli vegna stefnumótunar European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Íslenska 2012 View Abstract Download file
La formazione docente per l’integrazione (TE4I) Messaggi politici European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Italiano 2012 View Abstract Download file
Mokytojų rengimas inkliuziniam švietimui (TE4I) Esminės politikos formavimo kryptys European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Lietuvių kalba 2012 View Abstract Download file
Skolotāju izglītība iekļaušanai Būtiskie politikas jautājumi European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Latviešu valoda 2012 View Abstract Download file
Edukazzjoni tal Għalliema għal skop ta’ Inklużjoni (TE4I) – Messaġġi Ewlenin tal Policy European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Malti 2012 View Abstract Download file
Teacher education for inclusion Beleidsaanbevelingen European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Nederlands 2012 View Abstract Download file
Lærerutdanning som fremmer inkludering (TE4I) European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Norsk 2012 View Abstract Download file
Kształcenie nauczycieli przygotowujące do edukacji włączającej Kluczowe aspekty polityki systemowej European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Polski 2012 View Abstract Download file
Formação de professores para a inclusão Orientações para as políticas European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Português 2012 View Abstract Download file
Izobraževanje učiteljev za inkluzijo (TE4I) Ključna sporočila politike European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, teacher education policy brief Slovenščina 2012 View Abstract Download file
Tidlig indsats over for småbørn (ECI) Prioritetsområder European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Dansk 2011 View Abstract Download file
Raná péče (RP) Hlavní koncepční závěry European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Čeština 2011 View Abstract Download file
Frühförderung Kernbotschaften für die politik European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education early childhood education, pre-school education policy brief Deutsch 2011 View Abstract Download file

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