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LOGRAR EL ÉXITO DE TODO EL ALUMNADO – CALIDAD DE LA EDUCACIÓN INCLUSIVA European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Español 2012 View Abstract Download file
RAISING ACHIEVEMENT FOR ALL LEARNERS – KWALITEIT IN INCLUSIEF ONDERWIJS European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Nederlands 2012 View Abstract Download file
ΑΥΞΗΣΗ ΤΩΝ ΕΠΙΤΕΥΓΜΑΤΩΝ ΓΙΑ ΟΛΟΥΣ ΤΟΥΣ ΜΑΘΗΤΕΣ – ΠΟΙΟΤΗΤΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΝΤΑΞΙΑΚΗ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΗ European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Eλληνικά 2012 View Abstract Download file
KÕIGI ÕPPIJATE SAAVUTUSTE TÕSTMINE – KVALITEET KAASAVAS HARIDUSES European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Eesti keel 2012 View Abstract Download file
ELEVAR O SUCESSO DE TODOS OS ALUNOS – QUALIDADE NA EDUCAÇÃO INCLUSIVA European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Português 2012 View Abstract Download file
A TANULÓI TELJESÍTMÉNY NÖVELÉSE – A BEFOGADÓ OKTATÁS ÉS NEVELÉS MINŐSÉGI KÉRDÉSEI European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Magyar 2012 View Abstract Download file
VISŲ MOKINIŲ PASIEKIMŲ GERINIMAS – INKLIUZINIO ŠVIETIMO KOKYBĖS POŽYMIS European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Lietuvių kalba 2012 View Abstract Download file
MIGLIORARE L’ESITO SCOLASTICO DI TUTTI GLI ALUNNI – LA QUALITA’ NELLA SCUOLA INCLUSIVA European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Italiano 2012 View Abstract Download file
NGĦOLLU L LIVELL TA’ SUĊĊESS GĦAT TGĦALLIEMA KOLLHA – KWALITÀ FL EDUKAZZJONI INKLUŻIVA European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Malti 2012 View Abstract Download file
BEDRE LÆRING FOR ALLE – ØGET KVALITET I DEN INKLUDERENDE UNDERVISNING European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Dansk 2012 View Abstract Download file
ZVYŠOVÁNÍ ÚSPĚŠNOSTI VŠECH ŽÁKŮ – KVALITA V INKLUZIVNÍM VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Čeština 2012 View Abstract Download file
Accessible Information Provision for Lifelong Learning – Key Policy Messages European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, lifelong learning policy brief English 2012 View Abstract Download file
Multicultural Diversity and Multicultural Diversity and Special Needs Education – Key Policy Messages European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, multicultural diversity policy brief English 2008 View Abstract Download file
Mapping the Implementation of Policy for Inclusive Education – Key Policy Messages European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education country policy review, data collection, international co-operation, policy analysis policy brief English 2011 View Abstract Download file
Assessment in Inclusive Settings – Key Policy Messages European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education assessment, compulsory education policy brief English 2012 View Abstract Download file
i access report European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal compulsory education, information accessibility, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report English 2012 View Abstract Download file View citation
Lärarutbildning för inkluderande undervisning KOMPETENSPROFIL FÖR LÄRARE (insert) European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, higher education, post-compulsory education, raising achievement, school leadership, teacher education report Svenska 2012 View Abstract Download file
La formazione docente per l’inclusione PROFILO DEI DOCENTI INCLUSIVI (insert) European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, higher education, post-compulsory education, raising achievement, school leadership, teacher education report Italiano 2012 View Abstract Download file
Formation des enseignants pour l’inclusion (FEPI) PROFIL DES ENSEIGNANTS INCLUSIFS (insert) European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, higher education, post-compulsory education, raising achievement, school leadership, teacher education report Français 2012 View Abstract Download file
L Edukazzjoni tal Għalliema għal Inklużjoni PROFIL TA’ GĦALLIEMA INKLUŻIVI (insert) European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, higher education, post-compulsory education, raising achievement, school leadership, teacher education report Malti 2012 View Abstract Download file
Izobraževanje učiteljev za inkluzijo PROFIL INKLUZIVNIH UČITELJEV (insert) European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, higher education, post-compulsory education, raising achievement, school leadership, teacher education report Slovenščina 2012 View Abstract Download file
Mokytojų rengimas inkliuziniam švietimui INKLIUZINIO MOKYTOJO PROFILIS (insert) European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, higher education, post-compulsory education, raising achievement, school leadership, teacher education report Lietuvių kalba 2012 View Abstract Download file
Vzdělávání učitelů k inkluzi PROFIL INKLUZIVNÍHO UČITELE (insert) European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, higher education, post-compulsory education, raising achievement, school leadership, teacher education report Čeština 2012 View Abstract Download file
Kaasamist toetav õpetajakoolitus KAASAVA ÕPETAJA PÄDEVUSMUDEL (insert) European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, higher education, post-compulsory education, raising achievement, school leadership, teacher education report Eesti keel 2012 View Abstract Download file
Inklusion i læreruddannelser PROFIL AF DEN INKLUDERENDE LÆRER (insert) European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, higher education, post-compulsory education, raising achievement, school leadership, teacher education report Dansk 2012 View Abstract Download file

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