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Le Buone Prassi e i Migliori Modelli Europei dell’Istruzione e della Formazione Professionale European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou and Harald Weber post-compulsory education, transition to employment, vocational education report Italiano 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Evropski vzorci uspešne prakse v poklicnem izobraževanju in usposabljanju European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou and Harald Weber post-compulsory education, transition to employment, vocational education report Slovenščina 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Europese patronen van succesvol beroepsonderwijs European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou and Harald Weber post-compulsory education, transition to employment, vocational education report Nederlands 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Erhvervsuddannelser i Europa European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou and Harald Weber post-compulsory education, transition to employment, vocational education report Dansk 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Modèles européens de bonnes pratiques dans l’enseignement et la formation professionnels European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou and Harald Weber post-compulsory education, transition to employment, vocational education report Français 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Kutseõppe hea praktika Euroopas European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou and Harald Weber post-compulsory education, transition to employment, vocational education report Eesti keel 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Európske modely úspešnej praxe v odbornom vzdelávaní a príprave European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou and Harald Weber post-compulsory education, transition to employment, vocational education report Slovenčina 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
A szakképzés sikeres gyakorlatának európai mintái European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou and Harald Weber post-compulsory education, transition to employment, vocational education report Magyar 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Berufliche Bildung von Lernenden mit Beeinträchtigungen und Unterstützungsbedarf European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou and Harald Weber post-compulsory education, transition to employment, vocational education report Deutsch 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Vocational Education and Training: Literature Review European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Anabel Corral Granados post-compulsory education, transition to employment, vocational education literature review English 2012 View Abstract Download file View citation
Teacher Education for Inclusion – Literature Review European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly compulsory education, teacher education literature review English 2010 View Abstract Download file View citation
Policy supporting information and communication technology for Inclusion European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Marcella Turner-Cmuchal compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning policy review English 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Raising Achievement for All Learners – synthesis report European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Verity Donnelly compulsory education, raising achievement synthesis report English 2012 View Abstract Download file View citation
Special Needs Education – Country Data 2012 European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, data collection synthesis report English 2012 View Abstract Download file View citation
RAISING ACHIEVEMENT – STEIGERUNG DER BILDUNGSQUALITÄT FÜR ALLE SCHÜLERINNEN UND SCHÜLER IM INKLUSIVEN UNTERRICHT European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Deutsch 2012 View Abstract Download file
VISU IZGLĪTOJAMO M CĪBU SASNIEGUMU PAAUGSTIN ŠANA – IEKĻAUJOŠAS IZGLĪTĪBAS KVALIT TE European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Latviešu valoda 2012 View Abstract Download file
AMELIORER LES RESULTATS DE TOUS LES APPRENANTS – LA QUALITE DANS L’EDUCATION INCLUSIVE European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Français 2012 View Abstract Download file
RAISING ACHIEVEMENT FOR ALL LEARNERS – QUALITY IN INCLUSIVE EDUCATION European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief English 2012 View Abstract Download file
KAIKKIEN OPPIJOIDEN SAAVUTUSTEN PARANTAMINEN – LAATU INKLUSIIVISESSA KOULUTUKSESSA European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Suomi 2012 View Abstract Download file
ZVYŠOVANIE ÚROVNE VÝSLEDKOV VZDELÁVANIA VŠETKÝCH ŽIAKOV – KVALITA INKLUZÍVNEHO VZDELÁVANIA European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Slovenčina 2012 View Abstract Download file
PODNOSZENIE OSIĄGNIĘĆ EDUKACYJNYCH WSZYSTKICH UCZNIÓW – JAKOŚĆ EDUKACJI WŁĄCZAJĄCEJ European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Polski 2012 View Abstract Download file
BEDRE SKOLEPRESTASJONER FOR ALLE ELEVER – KVALITET PÅ DEN INKLUDERENDE OPPLÆRINGEN European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Norsk 2012 View Abstract Download file
IZBOLJŠANJE UČNEGA USPEHA VSEH UČENCEV – KAKOVOST V INKLUZIVNEM IZOBRAŽEVANJU European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Slovenščina 2012 View Abstract Download file
FÖRBÄTTRADE SKOLRESULTAT FÖR SAMTLIGA ELEVER – KVALITET I INKLUDERANDE UTBILDNING European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Svenska 2012 View Abstract Download file
AUKINN ÁRANGUR MEÐAL NEMENDA – GÆÐI NÁMS ÁN AÐGREININGAR European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education compulsory education, raising achievement policy brief Íslenska 2012 View Abstract Download file

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