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Technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) pour l’inclusion – Développements et opportunités pour les pays d’Europe European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Français 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Információs és kommunikációs technológia (IKT) a befogadásért – Fejlesztések és lehetőségek az európai országok számára European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Magyar 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Upplýsinga og samskiptatækni í námi án aðgreiningar – Þróunarstarf og möguleikar í Evrópulöndunum European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Íslenska 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Nuove tecnologie per l’inclusione – Sviluppi e opportunità per i paesi europei European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Italiano 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų (IKT) panaudojimas inkliuzijos plėtrai European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Lietuvių kalba 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Informācijas un komunikācijas tehnoloģija (IKT) iekļaušanai – Sasniegumi un iespējas Eiropas valstīs European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Latviešu valoda 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
It Teknoloġija tal Informazzjoni u l Komunikazzjoni (ICT) għall Inklużjoni – Żviluppi u Opportunitajiet għall Pajjiżi Ewropej European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Malti 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Informatie en communicatietechnologie voor inclusie – Ontwikkelingen in en mogelijkheden voor Europese landen European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Nederlands 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
IKT for inkludering – Utvikling og muligheter for landene i Europa European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Norsk 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Technologie informacyjne i komunikacyjne w edukacji włączającej (TIKE) European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Polski 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) para a Inclusão – Desenvolvimentos e Oportunidades para Países Europeus European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Português 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Informačné a komunikačné technológie v inkluzívnom vzdelávaní – Rozvoj a príležitosti pre európske krajiny European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Slovenčina 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Informacijska in komunikacijska tehnologija kot podpora inkluziji – Razvoj in priložnosti za evropske države European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Slovenščina 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Informations och kommunikationsteknik som främjar inkludering – Utveckling och möjligheter för de europeiska länderna European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Svenska 2013 View Abstract Download file View citation
Rámec monitorování politiky ICT4I European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Čeština 2013 View Abstract Download file
Overvågning af politikker European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Dansk 2013 View Abstract Download file
Rahmendokument für das monitoring von IKT für Inklusion Strategien European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Deutsch 2013 View Abstract Download file
πλαισιο παρακολουθησησ της πολιτικησ σχετικα με τις τπεε European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Eλληνικά 2013 View Abstract Download file
Marco de seguimiento de las políticas de las tic para la inclusión European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Español 2013 View Abstract Download file
Kaasamist toetava ikt poliitika seire põhimõtted European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Eesti keel 2013 View Abstract Download file
Inkluusiota edistävän tieto ja viestintätekniikkapolitiikan seurannan viitekehys European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Suomi 2013 View Abstract Download file
Tableau de surveillance de la politique de l’ICT4I European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Français 2013 View Abstract Download file
ICT4I Szakpolitikai monitoring keretrendszer European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Magyar 2013 View Abstract Download file
Rammadrög að eftirliti með stefnu á sviði ICT4I European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Íslenska 2013 View Abstract Download file
Quadro di monitoraggio delle politiche ICT4I European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Amanda Watkins compulsory education, information and communication technology, lifelong learning synthesis report Italiano 2013 View Abstract Download file

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