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Veikimas įsiklausant į balsus: besimokančiųjų ir jų šeimų balsų įtraukimas į švietimo sprendimų priėmimo procesus European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Anthoula Kefallinou and Diana Murdoch children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, policy analysis, stakeholder involvement final summary report Lietuvių kalba 2023 View Abstract Download file View citation
Raddir til aðgerða: Raddir nemenda og fjölskyldna þeirra teknar til greina við ákvarðanatöku í menntamálum – Endanleg yfirlitsskýrsla European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Anthoula Kefallinou and Diana Murdoch children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, policy analysis, stakeholder involvement final summary report Íslenska 2023 View Abstract Download file View citation
A vélemények tettekre váltása: A tanulók és családjaik véleményének figyelembevétele az oktatással kapcsolatos döntéshozatalban – Összefoglaló zárójelentés European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Anthoula Kefallinou and Diana Murdoch children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, policy analysis, stakeholder involvement final summary report Magyar 2023 View Abstract Download file View citation
Voix en action : Inclure les voix des apprenants et des familles dans la prise de décisions en matière d’éducation Rapport de synthèse final European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Anthoula Kefallinou and Diana Murdoch children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, policy analysis, stakeholder involvement final summary report Français 2023 View Abstract Download file View citation
Äänet kuuluviin: Oppijoiden ja heidän perheidensä äänten huomioiminen koulutusta koskevassa päätöksenteossa Lopullinen yhteenvetoraportti European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Anthoula Kefallinou and Diana Murdoch children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, policy analysis, stakeholder involvement final summary report Suomi 2023 View Abstract Download file View citation
Von der Stimme zur Tat: Einbeziehung der Stimmen der Lernenden und ihrer Familien in Entscheidungsprozesse im Bildungsbereich – zusammenfassender Abschlussbericht European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Anthoula Kefallinou and Diana Murdoch children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, policy analysis, stakeholder involvement final summary report Deutsch 2023 View Abstract Download file View citation
Hlasy do akce: Zahrnutí hlasů žáků a jejich rodin do rozhodování o vzdělávání – závěrečná souhrnná zpráva European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Anthoula Kefallinou and Diana Murdoch children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, policy analysis, stakeholder involvement final summary report Čeština 2023 View Abstract Download file View citation
Voices into Action: Including the Voices of Learners and their Families in Educational Decision Making – Final Summary Report European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Anthoula Kefallinou and Diana Murdoch children’s/learners’ rights, family involvement, learners' voices, policy analysis, stakeholder involvement final summary report English 2023 View Abstract Download file View citation
Förändra och utveckla det specialpedagogiska stödet för inkluderande utbildning: verktyg för självutvärdering av policy European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Anthoula Kefallinou, Serge Ebersold, Per Skoglund, Eloy Rebollo Píriz and Mikkel Lučić Wichmann compulsory education, country policy review, data collection self-review/self-reflection tool Svenska 2022 View Abstract Download file View citation
Promenljiva uloga specijalista u pružanju podrške za inkluzivno obrazovanje: Alat za samopregled politike European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Anthoula Kefallinou, Serge Ebersold, Per Skoglund, Eloy Rebollo Píriz and Mikkel Lučić Wichmann compulsory education, country policy review, data collection self-review/self-reflection tool Srpski 2022 View Abstract Download file View citation
Spreminjanje vloge specialne pomoči pri podpiranju inkluzivnega izobraževanja: orodje za samopregled politike European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Anthoula Kefallinou, Serge Ebersold, Per Skoglund, Eloy Rebollo Píriz and Mikkel Lučić Wichmann compulsory education, country policy review, data collection self-review/self-reflection tool Slovenščina 2022 View Abstract Download file View citation
Zmena roly špecialistov pri zabezpečovaní podpory inkluzívneho vzdelávania: Nástroj na samohodnotenie politiky European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Anthoula Kefallinou, Serge Ebersold, Per Skoglund, Eloy Rebollo Píriz and Mikkel Lučić Wichmann compulsory education, country policy review, data collection self-review/self-reflection tool Slovenčina 2022 View Abstract Download file View citation
Mudança do papel dos serviços especializados no apoio à educação inclusiva: Ferramenta de autorrevisão de políticas European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Anthoula Kefallinou, Serge Ebersold, Per Skoglund, Eloy Rebollo Píriz and Mikkel Lučić Wichmann compulsory education, country policy review, data collection self-review/self-reflection tool Português 2022 View Abstract Download file View citation
Die neue (veränderte) Rolle der Unterstützungssysteme in der Umsetzung der inklusiven Bildung: Bewertungsinstrument für die eigenen Strategien European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Anthoula Kefallinou, Serge Ebersold, Per Skoglund, Eloy Rebollo Píriz and Mikkel Lučić Wichmann compulsory education, country policy review, data collection self-review/self-reflection tool Deutsch 2022 View Abstract Download file View citation
Promjenjiva uloga stručne podrške u potpori inkluzivnom odgoju i obrazovanju: Alat za samopregled politika European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Anthoula Kefallinou, Serge Ebersold, Per Skoglund, Eloy Rebollo Píriz and Mikkel Lučić Wichmann compulsory education, country policy review, data collection self-review/self-reflection tool Hrvatski 2022 View Abstract Download file View citation
L’evoluzione del ruolo delle prestazioni a supporto dell’educazione inclusiva: Strumento di autovalutazione delle politiche European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Anthoula Kefallinou, Serge Ebersold, Per Skoglund, Eloy Rebollo Píriz and Mikkel Lučić Wichmann compulsory education, country policy review, data collection self-review/self-reflection tool Italiano 2022 View Abstract Download file View citation
Speciālistu nodrošinājuma mainīgā loma iekļaujošas izglītības atbalstīšanā European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Anthoula Kefallinou, Serge Ebersold, Per Skoglund, Eloy Rebollo Píriz and Mikkel Lučić Wichmann compulsory education, country policy review, data collection self-review/self-reflection tool Latviešu valoda 2022 View Abstract Download file View citation
Il Bidla fir Rwol tas Servizzi Speċjalizzati għall Edukazzjoni Inklużiva: Għodda ta’ Awtoevalwazzjoni tal Politika European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Anthoula Kefallinou, Serge Ebersold, Per Skoglund, Eloy Rebollo Píriz and Mikkel Lučić Wichmann compulsory education, country policy review, data collection self-review/self-reflection tool Malti 2022 View Abstract Download file View citation
De veranderende rol van specialistische voorziening in de ondersteuning van inclusief onderwijs: instrument voor zelfcontrole voor beleid European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Anthoula Kefallinou, Serge Ebersold, Per Skoglund, Eloy Rebollo Píriz and Mikkel Lučić Wichmann compulsory education, country policy review, data collection self-review/self-reflection tool Nederlands 2022 View Abstract Download file View citation
Zmiana roli wsparcia specjalistycznego we wspieraniu edukacji włączającej: Narzędzie do samodzielnego przeglądu polityki European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Anthoula Kefallinou, Serge Ebersold, Per Skoglund, Eloy Rebollo Píriz and Mikkel Lučić Wichmann compulsory education, country policy review, data collection self-review/self-reflection tool Polski 2022 View Abstract Download file View citation
Cambiando el rol de los servicios especializados en la educación inclusiva: Herramienta de autoevaluación para las políticas European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Anthoula Kefallinou, Serge Ebersold, Per Skoglund, Eloy Rebollo Píriz and Mikkel Lučić Wichmann compulsory education, country policy review, data collection self-review/self-reflection tool Español 2022 View Abstract Download file View citation
Specialrådgivningens skiftende rolle i forbindelse med støtte af inkluderende undervisning: Selvevalueringsværktøj for politikker European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Anthoula Kefallinou, Serge Ebersold, Per Skoglund, Eloy Rebollo Píriz and Mikkel Lučić Wichmann compulsory education, country policy review, data collection self-review/self-reflection tool Dansk 2022 View Abstract Download file View citation
Αλλαγή του ρόλου παροχής εξειδικευμένων υπηρεσιών για την υποστήριξη της ενταξιακής εκπαίδευσης: Εργαλείο αυτοαξιολόγησης πολιτικών European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Anthoula Kefallinou, Serge Ebersold, Per Skoglund, Eloy Rebollo Píriz and Mikkel Lučić Wichmann compulsory education, country policy review, data collection self-review/self-reflection tool Eλληνικά 2022 View Abstract Download file View citation
Změna role speciálních opatření na podporu inkluzivního vzdělávání: Nástroj pro sebehodnocení politik European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Anthoula Kefallinou, Serge Ebersold, Per Skoglund, Eloy Rebollo Píriz and Mikkel Lučić Wichmann compulsory education, country policy review, data collection self-review/self-reflection tool Čeština 2022 View Abstract Download file View citation
Asiantuntijapalveluiden muuttuva rooli inklusiivisen koulutuksen tukemisessa: Linjausten itsearviointityökalu European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Mary Kyriazopoulou, Anthoula Kefallinou, Serge Ebersold, Per Skoglund, Eloy Rebollo Píriz and Mikkel Lučić Wichmann compulsory education, country policy review, data collection self-review/self-reflection tool Suomi 2022 View Abstract Download file View citation

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